This information will be sent directly to the school, and a representative will respond to your enquiry. Medien-Werbepsychologie. HS Macromedia - 1. Your selection is saved, until the step you saved. Rate your chances of admission in Macromedia University of Applied Sciences Master of Brand Management program and download course brochure. Stock 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg Tel 030 2021512-0 Alle Infos zu Markenkommunikation und Werbung/Brandmanagement (Fernstudium) an der Hochschule Macromedia Fernstudium Fill out the following form and include any questions you have. programme, numerous career opportunities open up for you in the international job market. Fordere hier kostenlos und unverbindlich weitere Informationen zum Studiengang Medienmanagement, Markenkommunikation und Werbung an der Hochschule Macromedia an. You can always narrow your search results later. Unser Partner ist spezialisiert auf Mode und Design, Brand Management und Marketing & Management. at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, listed on - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland programme In this bachelor's programme, you will receive practical and theoretically in-depth training to operate successfully in national and international business. Students can develop design and marketing strategies to secure the success of a product to produce business capital. Some examples of potential roles are: Want to know more about this program, Master's degree in Brand Management? Master of Brand Management from Executive School fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. The Study Program Brand Management ️ at Hochschule Macromedia, Universtity of Applied Sciences All info for international students (undefined/undefined) Important: Covid-19 … • 15 Feb: EU students. Master's degree in Brand Management (M.A.) Berlin M33 Höfe, Mehringdamm 33 2. Brand Management (B.A. My name is Couru, your virutal assistant. Discover more about institutions in your ideal destination to find your perfect match. It's the place where you lay the foundation for your future career network and discover your chosen area of work and start to mould your professional identity. Besonders in Großkonzernen ist hochspezialisiertes Knowhow für das Management komplexer Markenarchitekturen gefragt. Brands wie Apple, Esprit, Vespa, Allianz oder Ikea gehören zu unserem Leben uns stehen für Wünsche und Erinnerungen. Das 3-semestrige Masterstudium startet jeweils im Sommersemester, die 4-semestrige Version im Wintersemester. Zunehmend geschieht dies auch im Web und so heißen neuere Ansätze und Strategien z.B. After completing the Business Management course with a specialisation in Fashion and Luxury Management, you will be well equipped for an entry position in management at a fashion or premium brand. You will have mastered the intricacies of corporate management, corporate communications and … Hat jemand vielleicht sogar einen M. A. 336 Studenten der Hochschule Macromedia bewerten das Studium mit 3,9 Sternen. Master Business Management Vertiefung Luxury- und Fashion Management Marken mit besonderer Strahlkraft wie Prada, Chanel, Porsche oder Rolex stehen für Luxus und High Tech. Digital branding forms a new core competence for agencies and companies. Hat jemand an der HS Macromedia studiert? The three programmes offered at Macromedia University are: Media and Communication Management; Design Management; Business; Students of all programmes study together in a range of core modules. Marketing hat sehr viel mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem Know-How zu tun - aber auch mit umfangreichen Kommunikationsprozessen. programme, numerous career opportunities open up for you in the international job market. Brand Management - … Applicants with a bachelor's degree of 180 ECTS study a four-semester programme, while applicants with 210 ECTS may join the three-semester programme. Students specialising in brand management learn about current brand management issues and gain awareness for the interrelation of brands within complex brand architectures. Do you want to understand the real business value of brands? We are delighted that you've... Germany has been ranked the #1 study abroad country in Europe (and #3 in the world) for 2020! Hamburg Gertrudenstraße 3 20095 Hamburg Tel 040 3003089-0 Students specialising in brand management learn about current brand management issues and gain awareness for the interrelation of brands within complex brand architectures. I’ll help you explore. Master's degree in Media and Communication Management Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Inhalte des Management Studiums Fashion Management In der Studienvertiefung Fashion Management werden Sie praxisnah und theoretisch fundiert ausgebildet, um im Mode-Business erfolgreich zu agieren. Management master. Die Hochschule Macromedia (Hochschule Macromedia, University of Applied Sciences) ist eine private Fachhochschule mit den Spezialgebieten Medien & Management. Macromedia brand management master. Chat to a professional education counsellor for guidance, insight and advice. Stirling, Scotland On campus. We've saved Macromedia University of Applied Sciences to your favourites, You can compare the universities you've saved at any time, You've reached your limit of 10 Favourites, so this university cannot be added, To add it to your favourites, remove one university on your existing list. Brand Management ist deshalb für nahezu jedes Unternehmen ein strategischer Erfolgsfaktor - sein Wert wird auch am Wert seiner Marke gemessen. Brand Management B.A. ga('send','event', 'Interaction', 'Webclick', 'Macromedia University of Applied Sciences' ,1,{'nonInteraction': 1});cpeWebLinkClick(this,'290408','454612','69','93693','N','3','57695506','Macromedia University of Applied Sciences','L,L8','D,D6','1,3','57');gaInsightLog(this,'290408','454612','germany','93693','N','null','null'); 6,500 € per semester plus one-off registration fee, I confirm I am over 16 and I agree to the Hotcourses, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, We use cookies to ensure the best user experience and to serve tailored advertising. The team of Macromedia University in Berlin is continually expanding this network to offer our graduates a broad spectrum of professional options and contacts. Hat es euch karrieretechnisch weitergebracht? Sie studieren je nach ECTS Ihres Bachelor-Abschlusses 3 oder 4 Semester. Macromedia's Graduate School offers a unique set of Master's programmes with diverse specialisations. at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Templafy ensures professional, productive, and on-brand brand management. And because the Berlin campus is the youngest, our students enjoy the special sense of freshness and vigour pervading everything we do. programme are awarded the following master's degree: After you graduate from this M.A. The field of brand management involves learning to identify and analyze the quality and performance as well as the image and reputation of commercial products. Eine Brand kann ein Unternehmen, ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung repräsentieren. Macromedia Hochschule für Medien und Kommunikation - Fachhochschule This field is used for controlling automatic form submits. Take our free career test that will match you with programs and careers based on your interests and personality. Please try searching for a single subject or university. Everyone knows the most loved brands and the cult advertising campaigns of Apple, Coca Cola, IKEA or Nike. Studiengang: Brand Management (Teilzeitstudium) - Hochschule: Hochschule Macromedia - Abschluss: Master of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 3 Semester / 90 ECTS Punkte Hochschule Macromedia Brand Management Köln Studiengang 1/5 . View the best master degrees here! Program overview 3-4 semesters. Some examples of potential roles are: *Price shown is for indicative purposes, please check with institution. Refine your search and find the right one for you. Get top tips & guidance from our in-house study abroad experts. Im Brand Management-Studium erarbeiten Sie sich Expertenwissen, um die Schnittstelle zwischen Management und kreativer Planung zu gestalten und Führungsaufgaben in Markenentwicklung, Marketing- oder Unternehmenskommunikation zu übernehmen. Whether you're interested in the urban vibes of cities like Munich, Berlin, or Frankfurt or the fairy tale towns of Marburg and Freiburg, you're guaranteed a world class education at a great price! Digital Marketing oder Social Media Marketing. Macromedia University 6+1 Blog Through the 6+1 Blog students tell you about their daily life when being abroad at one of our partner institutions. programme Students specialising in brand management learn about current brand management issues and gain awareness for the interrelation of brands within complex brand architectures. Please leave it blank: Master in Brand Management and Communication, MA Journalism and Multimedia Communications, Master's degree in Media and Communication Management, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Master in Fashion Communication and Styling, Bachelor Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Master's Degree in Corporate Communication, Creative Brand Communications With Foundation Year, Education Abroad - find your ideal study abroad course, Why study at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Letter of recommendation (by your lecturer or employer). Sie sind nicht mit den Fachbereichen der jeweiligen Hochschule zu verwechseln! Choosing a university is an important life decision. This includes intensive overview of media management, brand management, PR and advertising and communication psychology. Digital branding forms a new core competence for agencies and companies. Answer a few questions and our course matcher will do the rest. Entertaining and bizarre facts from five continents. Brand Management. Creative and strategic planning skills as well as the cross-media usage of all media channels are required in order to develop and manage brands effectively. 2. Key modules include: Applicants with a bachelor's degree of 180 ECTS study a four-semester programme, while applicants with 210 ECTS may join the three-semester programme. Key modules include: After you graduate from this M.A. Wir beraten Dich gerne. Book your test today! Eine Übersicht aller Studienrichtungen ist hier zu finden. Zu den wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zählen Fächer wie Volks- und Betriebswirt… 57695506 Bachelor's Degree in Brand Management in the digital age, communication and advertising "Just do it!" You can find challenging managerial positions corporations, media companies, ad agencies, retailers, luxury manufacturers, marketing agencies and consultancies. To learn more about our cookies and how to manage them, please visit our, Master's degree in Brand Management (M.A. We use cookies on our site to give you the best experience possible. Brand Management an der Hochschule Macromedia: Studienablauf. Students also learn how to combine the field of management with creative planning and prepares them for leadership roles and tasks in brand development, marketing communication and design functions. Leipzig Nordstraße 3-15 04105 Leipzig Tel 0341 331781-10 Contents of the Brand Management (B.A.) Hinweis: Fachgruppe meint hier die Studis Online-interne Gruppierung, um verwandte Studiengänge und -fächer leichter finden zu können.Die Fachgruppen sind wiederum Teil einer großen Studienrichtung. ⚡️ If travel is a problem due to COVID-19 restrictions, international students can start online in October 2020 in virtual learning classrooms, then go to Germany at a later date and continue studying on-campus. Sie besitzen Kultcharakter, haben sich im Lauf vieler Jahre zu Symbolen für Stil, Schönheit, Innovation oder Erfolg entwickelt und sind weltweit begehrt, über alle Sprach- und Kulturgrenzen hinweg. Brand Management (M.A.) Contents of the Brand Management (M.A.) Hinweis: Auf der Übersichtsseite zu „Brand Management“ finden sich alle mit dem aktuellen Studienfach verwandte Fächer – auch solche, die kein Studienangebot mit dem aktuell gewählten Filter haben. Hochschule Macromedia. Then, students can travel to Germany later and continue studying on-campus. October start (Winter term) Marken erfolgreich managen: Studium Management mit Vertiefung Marketing Management Jeder kennt die populären Marken, die seit Jahrzehnten tagtäglich unser Leben begleiten. Macromedia University is a leading private university in Germany that specialises in media, business and management, design, and creative arts. 2021. Digitalen Wandel managen, Zukunft gestalten – an deutschlandweit sieben Standorten bietet die Hochschule Macromedia ihren über 3.500 Studierenden aus dem In- und Ausland staatlich-anerkannte Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge im Kontext von Management, Medien, Film, Design, Kunst und Musik. 41 International School of Management (ISM) Strategic Marketing Management Dortmund Studiengang 1/4 . You can find challenging managerial positions corporations, media companies, ad agencies, retailers, luxury manufacturers, marketing agencies and consultancies. • 15 Aug: EU students, March start (Summer term) Do you want to understand the real business value of brands Structural changes in today’s population and the digitalisation of our society demand new brand management skills. Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Informiere Dich über Dein zukünftiges Fernstudium im Bachelor oder Master oder ruf uns an. Die Macromedia Graduate School bietet mit den Studiengängen Brand Management, Creative Direction, Digital Media Business, Unternehmenskommunikation, Design Thinking, Sportmarketing und Marketing Analytics den direkten Einstieg in eine internationale Karriere. Fill out the following form and we'll pass your details on to a representative from the school, who will respond to your enquiry. You've reached your limit of 10 Favourites. Die Macromedia hat Standorte in 6 großen deutschen Städten. Management, design attitude, business orientation, and strategic vision are the distinctive features of the Master course in Brand Management and Communication. Students on this M.A. • 15 Dec: Non EU students 90% der Studenten empfehlen ein Studium an der Hochschule Macromedia. Creative and strategic planning skills as well as the cross-media usage of all media channels are required in order to develop and manage brands effectively. Etwa, wenn es darum geht, eine neue Marke zu entwickeln, diese auf dem Markt zu positionieren und KundInnen langfristig daran zu binden. ), at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in , . Students: Find out about Master's degree in Brand Management (M.A.) Show details. • 15 Jun: Non EU students course details. Gebäude, 1. This area of specialisation teaches students how to combine the field of management with creative planning and prepares them for leadership roles and tasks in brand development, marketing communication and design functions. Students who are unable to travel can start online in virtual learning classrooms, which includes live sessions with the lecturers and professors. Students also learn how to combine the field of management with creative planning and prepares them for leadership roles and tasks in brand development, marketing communication and design functions. Want to know more about Master's degree in Brand Management? ), Letter of recommendation (by your lecturer or employer), Leading global university of digital transformation, Small classes, intensive learning and individual supervision, Professors and industry experts at top locations in Germany, International network of partner universities and companies. Then our bachelor's programme with a specialisation on brand management, communication and advertising is the perfect match for you. Check out the list of universities. Structural changes in today’s population and the digitalisation of our society demand new brand management skills. The TOEFL® test is accepted by 10,000+ universities and higher education institutes in over 150 countries. Bis heute 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, März 2020 - Okt. The Masters in Marketing and Brand Management gives you a thorough and in-depth understanding of marketing and brand management within... Master's degree. Ensure on-brand templates & documents with Templaf More than a thousand job vacancies on Mitula.