Es erstreckt sich vom Städtchen Prettin in Sachsen-Anhalt bis nach Tesperhude in Schleswig- Holstein. Though agriculture in Saxony-Anhalt dominates much of the landscape, it plays a quite modest role in total output and employment. Binnenhäfen bestehen u. a. mit dem Hafen Magdeburg und dem Hafen Halle (Saale). HB-Verlag, 2005 - 113 pages. Magdeburg, almost completely flattened during combat in World War II, was rebuilt in the postwar era. Editor of. Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. Bibliographic information. Das Portal des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. The Elbe River flows through the eastern and northern portions of the state, while the south is drained by two of the Elbe’s tributaries, the Saale and Mulde rivers. 59,3% liegen auf dem Territorium Sachsen Anhalts. Elbe basin: flood, low flow, hydrometeorological conditions, water quality The River Elbe originates in the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and flows into the North Sea near Cuxhaven. Die Schutzgebiete werden zu einem großen Ganzen gebündelt. Dresden Dresden ist die Landeshauptstadt Sachsens. The contract of lease with Germany, and supervised by the United Kingdom, was signed on February 14, 1929 ending in 2028. Pachtverhältnisse in der Elbe in Sachsen Anhalt. In its northern section both banks of the Elbe are characterised by flat, very fertile marshlands (Elbe Marshes), former flood plains of the Elbe now diked. 9 km to Lutherstadt Wittenberg –Germany --click-on: Bildergalerie, Hamburg-Cruise-Center + Elbphilharmonie Hamburg- Elbe-Harbour-Web-Cams,, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing Old Norse-language text, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Articles containing Norwegian-language text, Articles containing Old English (ca. The Dove Elbe (literally in English: deaf Elbe) was diked off in 1437/38 at Gammer Ort. Saxony-Anhalt is one of 16 Bundesländer of Germany. During the 1970s the Soviet Union stated that Adolf Hitler's ashes had been scattered in the Elbe following disinterment from their original burial-site. Some of which have been disconnected for vessels from the main stream by dikes. PLZ Name Typ ; 39524: Hohengöhren: Ortsteil: 39524: Hohengöhrener Damm: Ortsteil: 39524: Schönhauser Damm : Ortsteil: Schönhausen (Elbe) eine Ortschaft in Deutschland. Leaving the city-state the Lower Elbe then passes between Holstein and the Elbe-Weser Triangle with Stade until it flows into the North Sea at Cuxhaven. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In 1390 the Gose Elbe (literally in English: shallow Elbe) was separated from the main stream by a dike connecting the two then-islands of Kirchwerder and Neuengamme. Foto: Stefan Kühn, CC BY-SA 3.0. (2011) 2,287,040. Karte von Elster (Elbe) Veranstaltungsort Bootshaus Kleine Mückenberge 8 Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt 06844 … At the bay Mühlenberger Loch in Hamburg at kilometre 634, the Northern Elbe and the Southern Elbe (here now the cut-off meander Old Southern Elbe) used to reunite, which is why the bay is seen as the starting point of the Lower Elbe (Niederelbe). buchen. Verfügbare Informationen : Anschrift, Telefon, #DE_EDIFICE# Fax, Webseite, E-Mail Adresse, Bürgermeister, Geographische Koordinaten, Einwohnerzahl, Höhenlage, Fläche, Wetter und Hotel. Population densities vary greatly, from the thinly populated north to the quite densely populated Börde region and industrialized, urbanized south. This video is unavailable. The often low water levels of the Elbe no longer hinder navigation to Berlin. Schönebeck (Elbe) Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Help. Research laboratory at a pharmaceutical plant in Saxony-Anhalt, Ger. Before Germany was reunited, waterway transport in Western Germany was hindered by the fact that inland navigation to Hamburg had to pass through the German Democratic Republic. Most of Saxony-Anhalt has a temperate climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, though the climate of the Harz is harsher. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? Elbe River, Czech Labe, one of the major waterways of central Europe. Humans first lived in the northern Elbe region before about 200,000 years ago, during the Middle Paleolithic. It is located in the western part of eastern Germany. Ministerien keyboard_arrow_right; keyboard_arrow_left Alle Ministerien; Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur; Ministerium für Inneres und Sport; Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichstellung; Title: Sachsen-Anhalt: zwischen Harz und Elbe, Issues 286-2005 Volume 286 of HB-Bildatlas, BAT-Cigaretten-Fabriken (Hamburg.) Thus incumbents of huge land-holdings became characterised[when?] : +49 (0) 391 568 99 88 Fax: +49 (0) 391 568 99 51 Decreased economic activity, however, especially reductions in chemical and lignite production, has led to dramatic improvement in air quality in the postunification era. It runs from the Czech Republic through Germany to the North Sea, flowing generally to the northwest. First attested in Latin as Albis, the name Elbe means "river" or "river-bed" and is nothing more than the High German version of a word (*albī) found elsewhere in Germanic; cf. Thus augmented, and swollen into a stream 140 metres (459 ft) wide, the Elbe carves a path through the basaltic mass of the České Středohoří, churning its way through a picturesque, deep, narrow and curved rocky gorge. The Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg constitute yet another World Heritage site (1996), consisting of houses and churches associated with the lives of Luther and his close associate the writer and educator Philipp Melanchthon. Details Beginn: 1 August von 0:00 Ende: 31 August von 23:30 . Prospekte und Infomaterial Damit Sie Ihre Radtour oder Ihren Radurlaub am Elberadweg optimal vorbereiten können und immer ein radlerfreundliches Dach über dem Kopf haben, halten wir detailliertes Informationsmaterial für Sie bereit. Like other eastern German states, Saxony-Anhalt suffered severe economic recisions in production and employment in virtually all sectors following unification. [7] Following articles 363 and 364 of the Treaty of Versailles, Czechoslovakia was entitled to lease its own harbour bassin, Moldauhafen in Hamburg. At Kolín some 43 kilometres (27 mi) further on, it bends gradually towards the north-west. On 25 April 1945 these two forces linked up near Torgau, on the Elbe. 51, 06922 Prettin, Tel. Right after both anabranches reunited the Low Elbe is passed under by the New Elbe Tunnel (Neuer Elbtunnel), the last structural road link crossing the river before the North Sea. Aken (Elbe) : Aken (Elbe) Lokalisierung : Land Deutschland, Staat Sachsen-Anhalt, Bezirk Anhalt-Bitterfeld. Saxony-Anhalt’s population is composed almost entirely of ethnic Germans. The largest lake in the state is the Arendsee, which covers an area of 510 hectares. An zahlreichen Stellen entlang der gesamten Strecke laden attraktive Natur- und Kulturerlebnispunkte zum Ausruhen und Verweilen ein. Updates? The Elbe River flows through the eastern and northern portions of the state, while the south is drained by two of the Elbe’s tributaries, the Saale and Mulde rivers. You can book single rooms from ab 60Euro per night. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Near its mouth it passes the entrance to the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel before it debouches into the North Sea. Dessau serves as an important service centre for the region north of Halle. info) [ˈlabɛ]; German: Elbe pronounced [ˈɛlbə] (listen); Low German: Elv, Upper and Lower Sorbian: Łobjo, historically in English also Elve[1][2][3]) is one of the major rivers of Central Europe. Almost all of Saxony-Anhalt lies within the North European Plain, and its landscapes exhibit impacts from successive eras of glaciation. Die viel besuchte Stadt liegt an der Elbe, die sich zuvor durch die Sächsische Schweiz ihren Weg gebahnt hat. A number of urban attractions also draw visitors, notably the beautifully restored medieval architecture in Quedlinburg and Wernigerode on the northern flanks of the Harz. Kultur. as East Elbian Junkers. Ortsteile von Schönhausen (Elbe) mit Postleitzahlen. [6] The statute of the Commission was signed in Dresden on February 22, 1922. Einmündung Mönchsgraben (Alte Elbe) 321,00 : li: Magdeburg Fermersleben: 322,0 : li: Sportboothafen Wassersportverein Buckau-Fermersleben, Tel. The Elbe-Lübeck Canal links the Elbe to the Baltic Sea, as does the Kiel Canal, whose western entrance is near the mouth of the Elbe. Kurz hinter dem Quellengebiet befindet sich der Elbfall.Die Elbe verlässt das Riesengebirge in südöstlicher und südlicher Richtung, also entgegen ihrer späteren Hauptfließrichtung. The majestic cathedral in Naumburg and sights and cultural events in Halle, most notably the annual Handel music festival, also draw visitors. Wenn du uns Zugriff auf deinen Standort gewährst, können wir Verkehrsmeldungen auch gezielt auf dich zuschneiden. The heathlands produce some rye, potatoes, and cattle. From the sluice of Geesthacht (at kilometre 586) on downstream the Elbe is subject to the tides, the tidal Elbe section is called the Low Elbe (Unterelbe). Omissions? Quedlinburg, with its timber-framed buildings and Romanesque church, is a UNESCO World Heritage site (designated in 1994). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The Elbe has always been navigable by commercial vessels,[5] and provides important trade links as far inland as Prague. A second World Heritage site in Dessau is the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, an exceptional example of 18th-century landscape design. Our motorcycle hotel is located in the holiday region . The state capital is Magdeburg. Sie können gerne auch unseren kostenlosen Stadtplan für Elster (Elbe) verwenden. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. Nonetheless, for historical reasons the river retains the name Elbe, also because at the confluence point it is the Elbe that flows through the main, wider valley while the Vltava flows into the valley to meet the Elbe at almost a right angle, and thus appears to be the tributary river. [4], The Elbe's major tributaries include the rivers Vltava, Saale, Havel, Mulde, Schwarze Elster, and Ohře. In the Middle Ages the Elbe formed the eastern limit of the Empire of Charlemagne (King of the Franks from 769 to 814). When the four Lutheran church bodies there united in 1977 they chose the name North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Its total length is 1,094 kilometres (680 mi). Of the numerous small streams whose waters compose the infant river, the most important is the Bílé Labe, or White Elbe. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die regionalen Broschüren von verschiedenen Touristinfos verschickt werden, Sie also möglicherweise mehrere Briefe erhalten. Here the Elbe enters the vast vale named Polabí (meaning "land along the Elbe"), and continues on southwards through Hradec Králové (where the River Orlice flows in) and then to Pardubice, where it turns sharply to the west. After the heavy inundation by the North Sea flood of 1962 the western section of the Southern Elbe was separated, becoming the Old Southern Elbe, while the waters of the eastern Southern Elbe now merge into the Köhlbrand, which is bridged by the Köhlbrandbrücke, the last bridge over the Elbe before the North Sea. Hier finden Sie die in Sachsen-Anhalt rechtskräftigen Überschwemmungsgebiete. Saxony-Anhalt, German Sachsen-Anhalt, Land (state), east-central Germany. Portrait of Martin Luther, oil on panel by Lucas Cranach, 1529; in the Uffizi, Florence. Tel. This productive agriculture has given rise to important local food-processing industries, especially sugar-refining and flour-milling. At the village of Káraný, a little above Brandýs nad Labem, it picks up the Jizera. Bitte geben Sie Start- und Zieladresse ein, um eine Route zu berechnen und die schnellste Strecke im Routenplaner für Elster (Elbe) anzuzeigen. PLZ Karte. Take a tour of the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Dessau, Germany. Halle is the dominant service and university centre in the south, as well as the site of major new suburban retail concentrations. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Schönebeck (Elbe), Sachsen-Anhalt. The Elbe-Seitenkanal (Elbe Lateral Canal) was built between the West German section of the Mittellandkanal and the Lower Elbe to restore this connection. Ptolemy recorded the Elbe as Albis (Germanic for "river") in Germania Magna, with its source in the Asciburgis mountains (Krkonoše, Riesengebirge or Giant Mountains), where the Germanic Vandalii then lived. Ein Schutzgebiet in dieser … Upstream from the confluence the Vltava is in fact much longer (434 kilometres (270 mi) against 294 kilometres (183 mi) of the Elbe so far), and has a greater discharge and a larger drainage basin. Soon the Elbe reaches Hamburg. The river's navigable sections were essential to the success of the Hanseatic League in the Late Middle Ages, and much trade was carried on its waters. The Northern Elbe passes the Elbe Philharmonic Hall and is then crossed under by the old Elbe Tunnel (Alter Elbtunnel), both in Hamburg's city centre. From the mid-20th century, the state’s population declined dramatically, losing about one-fifth of its inhabitants between 1960 and the beginning of the 21st century. Am Alten Theater 6 39104 Magdeburg. 0391/2513874 WSG „Alte Elbe“ In downstream order, these include:[9]. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Elbe delineated the western parts of Germany from the eastern so-called East Elbia, where soccage and serfdom were more strict and prevailed longer than westwards of the river, and where feudal lords held bigger estates than in the west. The area around Brocken, the highest point of the Harz mountains (3,747 feet [1,142 metres]), is part of Harz National Park, which spans the border with Lower Saxony. Das neue Biosphärenreservat baut sich vor allem aus den schon vorhandenen Natur- und Landschaftsschutzgebieten links und rechts der Elbe auf. Auf über 300 Flusskilometern durchfließt die Elbe Sachsen-Anhalt von Pretzsch im Südosten bis nach Wahrenberg im Norden des Landes. 0 Reviews. Die gut ausgebaute und beschilderte Route führt mitten durch die naturbelassene Elbauenlandschaft des Biosphärenreservates Mittelelbe, das zum UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Flusslandschaft Elbe gehört. The sandy plains of the valley of the Elbe are interspersed with farmlands, pastures, pine forests, and bog lands. Kontakt IMG – Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH. Saxony-Anhalt is governed by a parliament and a minister-president, who is generally a leading member of the parliament’s strongest party. Although Saxony-Anhalt’s economy, including manufacturing, has shrunk, the state’s two main industrialized regions continue to be of some importance. Area 7,895 square miles (20,447 square km). While the mining of metals has ceased since German unification, some production of potash continues in Zielitz. Marginally, the basin stretches also to Austria (0.6%) and Poland (0.2%). It has food-processing and metalworking industries. Shortly after crossing the Czech-German frontier, and passing through the sandstone defiles of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, the stream assumes a north-westerly direction, which on the whole it preserves right to the North Sea. From the early 6th century Slavic tribes (known as the Polabian Slavs) settled in the areas east of the rivers Elbe and Saale (which had been depopulated since the 4th century). The Romans knew the river as the Albis; however, they made only one serious attempt to move the border of their empire forward from the Rhine to the Elbe, and this attempt failed with the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD, after which they never seriously tried again. Old Norse river name Elfr, Swedish älv "river", Norwegian elv "river", Old English river name elf, and Middle Low German elve "river-bed".[11]. Saxony-Anhalt borders the German states of Brandenburg to the east, Saxony to the south, Thuringia to the southwest, and Lower Saxony to the northwest. search. Idyllische Flussauen erstrecken sich kilometerweit entlang der breiten Elbe. At Magdeburg there is a viaduct, the Magdeburg Water Bridge, that carries a canal and its shipping traffic over the Elbe and its banks, allowing shipping traffic to pass under it unhindered. 0391/4018860: 322,85 : re: Abzweigung Magdeburger Alten Elbe / Cracauer Wehr li SC Magdeburg (Magdeburger Ruderclub) ESV Lok Magdeburg, Tel. Magdeburg is Saxony-Anhalt’s major service and university centre in the north and an important inland port and trucking centre. In the 10th century the Ottonian Dynasty (dominant from 919 to 1024) began conquering these lands; a slow process of Germanization ensued, including the Wendish Crusade of 1147. Gefördert durch das Land Sachsen-Anhalt mit Mitteln der Fischereiabgabe. In the south the Bauhaus Building and Masters’ Houses in Dessau have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site (1996) in recognition of the Bauhaus school’s profound influence on 20th-century architecture and design. Drago 660 Elefant. Sie können gerne auch unseren kostenlosen Routenplaner für Elster (Elbe) verwenden. The river rises on the southern side of the Krkonoše (Giant) Mountains near the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. Two towns in Saxony-Anhalt are so closely associated with Martin Luther, the priest and scholar who set in motion the Protestant Reformation, that they are officially referred to as Lutherstadt Eisleben and Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Between unification in 1990 and the beginning of the 21st century, production dropped by more than three-fourths and employment by more than nine-tenths. [12][13], The Elbe (Labe) near Děčín, Czech Republic, Between Northern and Southern Elbe (Norderelbe/Süderelbe), The commission was staffed with two representatives of Czechoslovakia and one representative of, attempt to move the border of their empire, "Die Rolle der Binnenschiffahrt für die Entwicklung der mittelalterlichen Städte", "Public transport operators co-operating in the HVV partnership", "Official: KGB chief ordered Hitler's remains destroyed", Ancient library Albis river in Germania Magna, Source of Albis in Asciburgis (Riesengebirge Giants mountains, information and pictures of the spring of Labe in Giant Mountains (Krkonoše, Riesengebirge), Mühlanger, Wittenberg district in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Within the city-state the Unterelbe has a number of branch streams, such as Dove Elbe, Gose Elbe, Köhlbrand, Northern Elbe (Norderelbe), Reiherstieg, Southern Elbe (Süderelbe). Elbe Beach Fest. Weitere Ideen zu elberadweg, elbe, sachsen anhalt., Fact Monster - World - Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, CRW Flags - Flag of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. By size, it is the 8th largest state in Germany and by population, it is the 11th largest. Stadtplan für Elster (Elbe) Stadtplan, Karte von Elster (Elbe) im Landkreis Wittenberg (Sachsen-Anhalt) Sie suchen einen kostenlosen, interaktiven Stadtplan für Elster (Elbe)? When the two nations were reunited, works were begun to improve and restore the original links: the Magdeburg Water Bridge now allows large barges to cross the Elbe without having to enter the river. Das Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt liegt im Osten Deutschlands, umgeben von den Bundesländern Sachsen im Südosten, Thüringen im Südwesten, Niedersachsen im Nordwesten und Brandenburg im Nordosten. The Elbe has long served as an important delineator of European geography. The sandy plains of the valley of the Elbe are interspersed with farmlands, pastures, pine forests, and bog lands. Watch Queue Queue In 1945, as World War II drew to a close, Nazi German territory came under attack from the armies of the western Allies advancing from the west and those of the Soviet Union advancing from the east. In southern Saxony-Anhalt a line of cities and towns from Dessau south through Zeitz, including Wolfen, Bitterfeld, Halle, Merseburg, and Leuna, have varied chemical, machinery, and metallurgical plants, as well as food processing. menu. The castle and church of St. Servatius, Quedlinburg, Germany. … Pop. There is no significant indigenous ethnic minority, and the foreign population is very small. Legal. Daneben kannst du auch selbst filtern, welche Meldungen du gerne zum Verkehr sehen möchtest. The river is linked by canals (Elbe Lateral Canal, Elbe-Havel Canal, Mittellandkanal) to the industrial areas of Germany and to Berlin. The Elbe - one of the most important waterways of Central Europe and the main link for inland navigation to the international Port of Hamburg - flows through Sachsen-Anhalt from the south east to the north west, covering a distance of about 303 kilometres. [4], The Elbe river basin, comprising the Elbe and its tributaries, has a catchment area of 148,268 square kilometres (57,247 sq mi), the twelfth largest in Europe. Apart from the valley of the northward-flowing Elbe, the northernmost segment of the state mostly consists of the Altmark heath. Our motorcyclist-friendly Hotel Sachsen-Anhalt Magdeburg located in Barleben / Magdeburg offers 119 rooms and 230 beds. From 1949 to 1990 the Elbe formed part of the Inner German border between East Germany and West Germany. The basin spans four countries, however it lies almost entirely just in two of them, Germany (65.5%) and the Czech Republic (33.7%, covering about two thirds of the state's territory). Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 1 August von 0:00 - 31 August von 23:30 « Bootshausfest; Winterfestmachung » Genauer Termin wird kurz vorher anhand der aktuellen Wetterlage bekannt gegeben. Saxony-Anhalt also has a modest tourist industry that primarily serves German travelers. . Many of these ferries are traditional reaction ferries, a type of cable ferry that uses the current flow of the river to provide propulsion. The central portion of Saxony-Anhalt is occupied by the Fläming Hills and the fertile Börde region, which extends from the Harz foothills in the southwest to the Elbe at Magdeburg. About two-thirds of the landscape is in farmland; roughly another one-fifth is covered by forests. Its total length is about 1100 km, of which around 730 km are located in Germany. Cattle are also raised, and cheese production is important. The Elbe rises at an elevation of about 1,400 metres (4,593 ft) in the Krkonoše (also known as Giant Mountains or in German as Riesengebirge) on the northwest borders of the Czech Republic near Labská bouda. The southwest portion of the state includes parts of the Harz mountains, adjacent foothills, and the fertile Harz Foreland, which lies between the hills and the Halle-Leipzig conurbation. The most appealing natural area in the state is the Harz region, composed of both low mountains and high hills. Durch Sachsen-Anhalt verlaufen mit der Elbe, der Saale, dem Mittellandkanal und dem Elbe-Havel-Kanal wichtige Wasserstraßen, die sich bei der Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg am Wasserstraßenkreuz treffen. The fertile lowlands of the Börde region and of the Saale and Mulde river valleys support the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, rape, sugar beets, and fodder crops. The Börde region has excellent rail, road, and navigable waterway networks that carry passengers and cargo not only within the region but also east-west across Germany and Europe. The Elbe-Weser Shipping Channel connects the Elbe with the Weser. Other, administrative units were named after the river Elbe, such as the Westphalian Elbe département (1807–1813) and Lower Elbe département (1810), and the French département Bouches-de-l'Elbe (1811–1814). [8], The Elbe is crossed by many ferries, both passenger and car carrying. The state offers a variety of cultural activities. This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 20:07. A bit more downstream the Low Elbe's two main anabranches Northern Elbe and the Köhlbrand reunite south of Altona-Altstadt, a locality of Hamburg. These hydraulic engineering works were carried out to protect marshlands from inundation, and to improve the water supply of the Port of Hamburg. + Zu Google Kalender hinzufügen + Exportiere iCal. Routenplaner von Elster (Elbe) im Landkreis Wittenberg . close . Begleitet wird der Flusslauf vom Elberadweg. In the early 2000s the state was considered to be among Germany’s poorest, with high unemployment, especially in the former mining and chemical works regions in the south. The city of Magdeburg, along the Elbe, is especially well connected to Germany’s east-west oriented transport systems by the Mittelland Canal, major rail lines, and highways. It rises in the Krkonoše Mountains of the northern Czech Republic before traversing much of Bohemia (western half of the Czech Republic), then Germany and flowing into the North Sea at Cuxhaven, 110 km (68 mi) northwest of Hamburg. Saxony-Anhalt, German Sachsen-Anhalt, Land (state), east-central Germany. After plunging down the 60 metres (197 ft) of the Labský vodopád, or Elbe Falls, the latter stream unites with the steeply torrential Malé Labe, and thereafter the united stream of the Elbe pursues a southerly course, emerging from the mountain glens at Jaroměř, where it receives Úpa and Metuje. Startseite des Landesbetriebes für Hochwasserschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, Informationen zu Hochwasserschutz, Deichen, Gewässerunterhaltung, Gewässeruntersuchungen, Gewässerbeschaffenheit, Hydrologie in den Flusseinzugsgebieten Elbe und Weser in Sachsen-Anhalt Die Kulturlandschaft Sachsen-Anhalts ist, im Gegensatz zu den angrenzenden Ländern Brandenburg, …