Im «Academic Ranking of World Universities 2019» liegt die UZH an 61. 29.04.2019 Information on calls for research funds and awards. UZH Magazin’s podium discussions – moderated by the people behind the UZH Magazin. Dies führt zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen in den Rankings, die bei der Beurteilung der Qualität und Leistung einer Hochschule kritisch geprüft werden müssen. Research Database UZH; Recent Publications; Research. News Archiv 2014; News Archiv 2015 . 09.05.2018 QS Ranking - Zurich ranked place 8 in 2018.
Based in Lausanne (Switzerland), EPFL is a university whose three missions are education, research and innovation.
UZH Grants Office Hirschengraben 48 8001 Zürich Phone +41 44 634 20 50. Proud that the joint MSc program … In economics, the UZH is ranked 55th (previous year 61st). Corona virus: current situation. Home Die Universität Zürich schneidet sowohl in gesamtuniversitären als auch fächerspezifischen Rankings jeweils sehr gut ab (in der Regel in den Top 100). Junior Scholars. Executive MBA UZH ranks top EMBA in Switzerland for female participants The Executive MBA at the University of Zurich has made significant improvements over the last years and this has been recognized by the recent Financial Times EMBA ranking, which saw the EMBA UZH climb from place 74 to place 66. Imformation day for new students at UZH. In the most recent Tilburg Ranking, our Faculty's Department of Economics was ranked third after the London School of Economics and University College London, based on publication output in the five leading international economic journals. European and International Sources of Funding. Research at the English Department. Dates and registration; Lab Safety: Protect yourself and others. News in the field of research policy and research funding. Mehr … 03.05.2018 Japan - Call 2019 MEXT Research Scholarships. Des Weiteren stellt sie Hintergrundinformationen zu den Rankings zur Verfügung. 18.12.2015 New Call: China Exchange Grants . Attracting almost 10.000 participants, the ESCRS is the second largest congress in the ophthalmological field worldwide. General House Regulations of the University of Zurich; Änderungen auf einen Blick; Training "Safety, Health and Security for the Mobile Worker" at the UZH. Due to the current situation, the Professorships Department is limiting its on-site presence. 17.08.2016 Shanghai Ranking: UZH auf Platz 54 ; 16.08.2016 3. Mehr … 26.04.2018 Open Call - Asia-Europe Foundation. (Talks held in German) Website “Talk im Turm” Looking Back: Past Talks; Register … 15 Nov 2019 In the current U.S. News & World Report «Best Global Universities Ranking 2020», the University of Zurich now ranks 58th globally (previous year 61st), making it the best comprehensive university of Switzerland. 08:00 - 12:00 h, 13:00 - 17:00 h . Sitemap Impressum Rankings bewerten weltweit Hochschulen mit einer Vielzahl von Methoden, Schwerpunkten sowie Kriterien. UZH Termbase; Technology Platforms. Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017: UZH auf Platz 58 [columnblock] [/columnblock] Die Universität Zürich belegt im aktuellen «Academic Ranking of World … Im neu in die Rangliste aufgenommenen Fachbereich Anatomie und Physiologie liegt die UZH auf Rang 20 weltweit, in der Zahnmedizin auf Rang 29. In addition to an overall rating, the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy also publishes rankings in individual subjects and specialist fields, in which our Faculty is also ranked very well in the field of economics / business. Internationale Hochschulrankings haben in der globalen wie lokalen Öffentlichkeit einen wichtigen meinungsbildenden Effekt. Current situation, protective measures; Corona Virus: FAQ Die Universität Zürich UZH hat sich in den aktuellen «QS World University Rankings by Subject» gegenüber dem Vorjahr in allen fünf Fachbereichsgruppen verbessert. Good placement in the various ranking systems is an important indicator of how the international community assesses our research activities and demonstrates that the Faculty's success has a broad base. Datenschutzerklärung. Content and registration; Current training program of SSE. And in Switzerland, UZH is Number One in 11 subjects. Die Universität Zürich schneidet sowohl in gesamtuniversitären als auch fächerspezifischen Rankings jeweils sehr gut ab (in der Regel in den Top 100). Mehr … 09.05.2018 Final Call North-South Cooperation. Besides, a Microsoft Kinect for Windows v2 is mounted on a bracket behind the manipulator. In the 2019 ranking, the Executive MBA of the University of Zurich is ranked 74th among the best EMBA programs worldwide. Die Universität Zürich in den Rankings; Ranking. Throughout Europe, the University of Zurich was able to improve its ranking by one place and now occupies 17th place. today published its ranking on Quantitative Finance programs worldwide. (Image: UZH) As the lecture period begins on 17 September, the University of Zurich has a total of approx. Academic Report 2015 (PDF, 706 KB) Academic Report 2014 (PDF, 260 KB) Academic Report 2013 (PDF, 430 KB) Academic Report 2012 (PDF, 258 KB) Academic Report 2011 (PDF, 249 KB) Academic Report … © University of Zurich Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. In this section, you can download the Colonial Transformation Dataset: Data Matrix (Excel File) (XLS, 47 KB) The Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Programme (SSSTC) has launched a new call for exchange grants together with the China Scholarship Council … Data Protection Statement, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics. EU GrantsAccess Seilergraben 53 8001 Zürich Phone +41 44 634 53 50. © Universität Zürich The excellence of our research capacities has been repeatedly confirmed in academic rankings.; Links. Neben der Gesamtwertung veröffentlicht die «Shanghai Ranking Consultancy» auch Ranglisten zu einzelnen Fächern und Fachgebieten, wobei unsere Fakultät im Gebiet Economics / Business ebenfalls auf einem guten Platz zu finden ist. Updates on UZH internal research guidelines. September: Die lange Nacht der Zürcher Museen; 13.07.2016 Prof. Kai Niebert diskutierte mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel; 08.07.2016 #New Professor @MNF: Astrophysicist Ravit Helled joins Computational Science; 07.07.2016 CERN and the Large Hadron Collider - News from the Energy Frontier In economics, the UZH is ranked 55th (previous year 61st). About this site E-mail. University of Zurich (UZH)(76 th in the world, 22 nd in Europe) University of Geneva (110 th in the world, 38 th in Europe) University of Bern (123 rd in the world, 46 th in Europe) Disclaimer: The applicable legal regulations can be found in the framework ordinance (Rahmenverordnung) and the program regulation (Studienordnung) for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.The information below is for illustrative purposes only and should be regarded as a recommendation. Revision General House Regulators of UZH. UZH closed to the Public From 22 December 2020 to 22 January 2021, all UZH buildings, libraries and cafeterias are closed to the public. Internationale Hochschulrankings haben in der globalen wie lokalen Öffentlichkeit einen wichtigen meinungsbildenden Effekt. Monday to Friday. Bachelor's; Master's; Doctorate. Mehr … 03.05.2018 Iran - Research and Encounters. The 37 th congress of the European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) took place in Paris from September 14 to 18, 2019. In the subject Anatomy & Physiology, which is new in the 2017 survey, UZH is ranked 20 th in the world; in Dentistry, UZH is ranked 29 th. UZH Magazin Seilergraben 49 8001 Zurich Phone: +41 44 634 44 30 Fax: +41 44 634 23 46. The University of Western Australia is one of Australia’s leading universities, with an international reputation for excellence in teaching, research and community engagement. In the Handelsblatt Ranking the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of UZH regularly is competing with others for first place. Die Evaluationsstelle beliefert die Rankingherausgeber mit Daten und kommentiert die Ergebnisse gegenüber internen und externen Interessenten. UZH International; Studieren an der UZH; Studieren im Ausland; Lehrende / Mitarbeitende; Regionale Förderprogramme; Über uns; RSS Feed News; News Archiv 2015. Find German and English terms from the world of higher education and UZH-specific vocabulary in our termbase "UniTerm." kuka youbot specifications, KUKA youBot KUKA-youBot is the basic hardware system of our team. UZH also numbers among the world’s 50 best universities in Communications & Media Studies (40) as well as in Economics & Econometrics (49). @uzh_res_funding; UZH Termbase. Contact Further placements of the University of Zurich in the «QS-Ranking» and in the «THE Times Higher Education World University Ranking» can be found here: Rankings UZH, Home Kontakt The renowned Financial Times publishes an annual ranking of the top 100 Executive MBA programs worldwide. Proud that the joint MSc program UZH/ETHZ ranks 12th worldwide and 3rd in Europe! In the «Academic Ranking of World Universities 2019», UZH ranks 61 among the world's best universities. Throughout Europe, the University of Zurich was able to improve its ranking by one place and now occupies 17th place. In case of any contradictions between this document and the legal regulations or … Access is only permitted for UZH members. Already ranked 88 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), UWA aims to be counted in the top 50 by 2050. 26,500 students (including students of Master of Advanced Studies), which is roughly the same as in the Fall Semester last year (2017: 26,472). E-mail. Mehr … 03.05.2018 Reminder - Internship opportunities at swissnex India. Website EU GrantsAccess; Research Development on Twitter. Auch in der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (40) sowie der Ökonomie und Ökonometrie (49) rangiert die UZH unter den besten 50 Universitäten. Communications; Talk im Turm. Auch in «Art & Humanities» ist sie mit Rang 76 ebenfalls in den Top 100 der Welt platziert. It provides the global visual information for the robot. Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Université de Strasbourg, RVO14) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Universiteit Maastricht, RVO14) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree University of Hong Kong, RVO14) Master of Law UZH (RVO13) Master of Law UZH Double Degree KU Leuven (RVO 2014) Master of Law UZH Double Degree University of Amsterdam (RVO 2014) E-mail (Office) About the UZH Magazin. It consists of an omni-directional mobile platform, an arm with 5 degree-of-freedom and a two-finger gripper. Die Universität Zürich UZH hat sich im aktuellen «QS World University Rankings by Subject» in drei von fünf Fachbereichsgruppen auf hohem Niveau stabilisiert: In «Life Science und Medicine» hat sie den Rang 43 erreicht, in «Social Sciences» Rang 66. The UZH Magazin is produced by the UZH Communications Office. Researchers at the University of Zurich have access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and highly qualified personnel. This section gives an overview of collaborative and individual research projects at the English Department. In the current U.S. News & World Report «Best Global Universities Ranking 2020», the University of Zurich now ranks 58th globally (previous year 61st), making it the best comprehensive university of Switzerland. Stelle der weltweit besten Universitäten. Life at UZH; Mobility; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Mail; Degree programs.