Originally a tented camp (Fustat signifies "City of Tents") Fustat became a permanent settlement and the first capital of Islamic Egypt. Die Bevölkerungsdichte wird berechnet wie folgt: Bevölkerung geteilt durch die Gesamtfläche des Landes. [18] Lioui (Coptic: ⲗⲓⲟⲩⲓ) or Elioui (Coptic: ⲉⲗⲓⲟⲩⲓ) is another name which is a corruption of Greek name of Heliopolis (Greek: Ήλιούπολις). It stands in the Zamalek district on Gezira Island in the Nile River, in the city centre. Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. There is a new Ring Road that surrounds the outskirts of the city, with exits that reach outer Cairo districts. Inoffizielle Schätzungen geben bis zu 25 Millionen Einwohner … [123][124] Another Abbasid construction, the Nilometer on Rhoda Island, is the oldest original structure in Cairo, built in 862 AD. Im Nordosten von Ägypten liegt die Stadt Kairo direkt am rechten Nilufer. However, in 1168 the Fatimid vizier Shawar set fire to Fustat to prevent its capture by Amalric, the Crusader king of Jerusalem. 354 Bewertungen . December 2020), 1,01 (52.005.528 Männer und 51.570.275 Frauen), 72,7 Jahre (70,1 - Männer, 75,4 - Frauen), 7.929 Lebendgeburten durchschnittlich pro Tag (330,37 pro Stunde), Durchschnittlich 1.730 Todesfälle pro Tag (72,09 pro Stunde), Durchschnittlich -139 inwanderer pro Tag (-5,79 pro Stunde). The dangerously high levels of mercury in the city's water system has global health officials concerned over related health risks. 10 . 32 Rd. (2007-2017) Hauptstadt Kairo (ca. [51], Until his death in 1848, Muhammad Ali Pasha instituted a number of social and economic reforms that earned him the title of founder of modern Egypt. Ägypten. Al Jazeera, mit Video: Crowds attack Israel embassy in Cairo Israeli ambassador evacuated and hundreds injured in … Mein Alltag in Ägypten wurde zum Abenteuer. Die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung liegt bei den Männern bei 60-65 Jahre, und bei den Frauen bei 63-68 Jahre. Eine Liste mit den Ägyptischen Städten mit mehr als 100.000 Einwohner. 32.000 Einwohner pro Quadratkilometer für den engeren Stadtkern und 2.400 Einwohner für Kairo mit Umgebung. Wind storms can be frequent, bringing Saharan dust into the city, from March to May and the air often becomes uncomfortably dry. [128] The uprising took place in Cairo, Alexandria, and in other cities in Egypt, following the Tunisian revolution that resulted in the overthrow of the long-time Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museum, is home to the most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities in the world. [131] It is still occupied by the military today, but is now open as a tourist attraction comprising, notably, the National Military Museum, the 14th century Mosque of al-Nasir Muhammad, and the 19th century Mosque of Muhammad Ali which commands a dominant position on Cairo's skyline. Die monumentale antike Vorgeschichte und die reiche Kultur übt auf Urlauber eine magische Anziehung aus. It consists of Cairo Governorate, parts of Giza Governorate, and parts of Qalyubia Governorate. Ägypten (Aussprache [ɛˈɡʏptn̩] oder [ɛˈɡɪptn̩]; arabisch مصر Miṣr, offiziell Arabische Republik Ägypten) ist ein Staat im nordöstlichen Afrika mit über 97 Millionen Einwohnern und einer Fläche von über einer Million Quadratkilometern. However, the most notable event in the square was being the focal point of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution against former president Hosni Mubarak. Metro network covers Helwan and other suburbs. [71] The publication has been called a "terrific success", and the edition has been described as one "now widely seen as the official text of the Qur’an", so popular among both Sunni and Shi'a that the common belief among less well-informed Muslims is "that the Qur’an has a single, unambiguous reading". This edition has become the standard for modern printings of the Quran[69][70] for much of the Islamic world. The request was granted. die Bande politischer Zugehörigkeit lockerte; … Concurrently, Cairo has established itself as a political and economic hub for North Africa and the Arab world, with many multinational businesses and organisations, including the Arab League, operating out of the city. Mohamed El Shorbagy held the world number one position for more than a year before being overtaken by compatriot Karim Abdel Gawad, who is number two behind Gregory Gaultier of France. The historic traveller[33] Ibn Battuta travelled thousands of miles during the course of his trek. One of the most important and lasting institutions founded in the Fatimid period was the Mosque of al-Azhar, founded in 970 AD, which competes with the Qarawiyyin in Fes for the title of oldest university in the world. Blog. One city he stopped in was Cairo, Egypt. The Fatimids built it as a separate palatial city which contained their palaces and institutions of government. Egypt is internationally known for the excellence of its squash players who excel in both professional and junior divisions. The city's most exclusive restaurants are typically concentrated in Zamalek and around the luxury hotels lining the shore of the Nile near the Garden City district. Wichtig ist sie nicht nur für das eigene Land, sondern für viele Länder im Nahen Osten.Von hier kommen viele Bücher und Fernseh-Sendungen auf Arabisch.. Im Alten Ägypten gab es bereits sehr alte Städte. Seeking to accommodate the increasing population, President Gamal Abdel Nasser redeveloped Maidan Tahrir and the Nile Corniche, and improved the city's network of bridges and highways. Die Stadt mag zwar teilweise sehr anstrengend sein aufgrund des Verkehrs, der Luftverschmutzung und dem Lärm – trotzdem gibt es hier viel zu sehen und zu erleben. How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020. Cairo's hospitals include the JCI-accredited As-Salaam International Hospital—Corniche El Nile, Maadi (Egypt's largest private hospital with 350 beds), Ain Shams University Hospital, Dar Al Fouad, Nile Badrawi Hospital, 57357 Hospital, as well as Qasr El Eyni Hospital. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Gebäude und Bauwerke in Kairo, Ägypten. Das Leben in Kairo ist jeden Tag ein Abenteuer. Cosimo, 2009. Ägypten ist ein Land in Afrika (Nordafrika) mit etwa 82 Millionen Einwohnern und einer Landfläche von 1.001.450 km². [citation needed][clarification needed], The civil rights movement for women in Cairo and Egypt has been a long battle for years. Because of this, it is difficult to divide Cairo into urban, rural, subdivisions, or to eliminate certain parts of the metropolitan administrative territory on various theme (unofficial statistics and data). Die Bevölkerungsdichte liegt bei ca. URL: History of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty, Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transport, Misr University for Science and Technology, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Evangelical Church of Egypt (Synod of the Nile), Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of twin towns and sister cities in Egypt, Cairo's belle époque architects 1900–1950, An unrecognised or partially-recognised nation, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, "Population distribution by selected age groups, sex and governorate according to final results of 2017 Pop.Census (201993091923pop.pdf)", http://www.cairo.gov.eg/en/Pages/Governor.aspx?SubmID=106, "Population Estimates By Sex & Governorate 1/1/2020 (20204139534pop.pdf)", "Historic Cairo – UNESCO World Heritage Centre", "Cairo – "Al-Qahira" – is Egypt's capital and the largest city in the Middle East and Africa", Globalization and World Cities Research Network, "Cairo's third metro line beats challenges", "The 150 Richest Cities in the World by GDP in 2005", "Talk:Wp/cop/ⲕⲁϣⲣⲱⲙⲓ – Wikimedia Incubator", بلال فضل يتفرغ لـ"أهل اسكندرية" بعد "أهل كايرو", http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1875-3922_q3_intro, Studies in two transmissions of the Qur'an, Böwering, "Recent Research on the Construction of the Quran", 2008, Gender and Muslim Constructions of Exegetical Authority: A Rereading of the Classical Genre of Qurʾān Commentary, Reynolds, "Quranic studies and its controversies", 2008, "Egypt protests: Anti-Mubarak demonstrators arrested", "Egyptians report poor communication services on Day of Anger", "Egypt protests: curfew defied in Cairo and other cities", "Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced to flee Tunisia as protesters claim victory", "Egypt unveils plans to build new capital east of Cairo", "World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification", "Biblical snowstorm: Rare flakes in Cairo, Jerusalem paralyzed by over a foot", "Cairo Climate Guide: Monthly Weather, Egypt", "To Catch Cairo Overflow, 2 Megacities Rise in Sand", Map of Greater Cairo & SODIC Developments, "Al-Ahram Weekly | Features | Reaching an impasse", "Egypt to build country's first ever monorail in Cairo", "Cairo monorail trains to be built in UK", "Panda, Buy from Mod Car. Under the rule of President el-Sisi, in March 2015 plans were announced for another yet-unnamed planned city to be built further east of the existing satellite city of New Cairo, intended to serve as the new capital of Egypt. As al Qahira expanded these earlier settlements were encompassed, and have since become part of the city of Cairo as it expanded and spread; they are now collectively known as "Old Cairo". The Cairo Tower is a free-standing tower with a revolving restaurant at the top. [107] The restaurant scene includes traditional Middle Eastern cuisine as well as local staples such as kushari. Am Beispiel des Jahres 2018 in der Grafik: Die Einwohnerzahl in Ägypten stieg um rund 1.981.000 Einwohner an. Cairo would eventually become a centre of learning, with the library of Cairo containing hundreds of thousands of books. [88][89], Until the mid-19th century, when the river was tamed by dams, levees, and other controls, the Nile in the vicinity of Cairo was highly susceptible to changes in course and surface level. (Ergebnis aus 9 Bewertungen) Bewertet von Gästen nach Ihrem Aufenthalt in der Unterkunft King Pyramids Hotel. The Nile also served as a source of food and a pathway for trade. The Global Religious Landscape Ramy Ashour and Amr Shabana are regarded as two of the most talented squash players in history. Jahrhundert wiederholte Versuche gemacht, sich von dem weitgrenzigen Reiche des Chalifates unabhängig zu machen. [35] During its initial, and most deadly waves, approximately 200,000 people were killed by the plague,[36] and, by the 15th century, Cairo's population had been reduced to between 150,000 and 300,000. was niedriger als das globale Geschlechterverhältnis ist. There are flyovers and bridges, such as the Sixth of October bridge that, when the traffic is not heavy, allow fast[103] means of transportation from one side of the city to the other. Diese 83 Millionen Menschen leben primär im Nildelta, im Niltal, am Suez-Kanal und an den Touristen-Orten am Roten Meer. 13.St.MERET BASHA, 2nd floor ,Downtown, CAIRO,EGYPT. Women are reported to face constant discrimination, harassment, and abuse throughout Cairo. Its metropolitan area, with a population of over 20 million, is the largest in Africa, in the Arab world, and the 6th-largest in the world. This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 03:51. During this time, urban Cairo, spurred by new bridges and transport links, continued to expand to include the upscale neighbourhoods of Garden City, Zamalek, and Heliopolis. Drivers tend to be aggressive, but are more courteous at junctions, taking turns going, with police aiding in traffic control of some congested areas. Im Folgende berichte ich dir … [61][62] Europeans accounted for five percent of Cairo's population at the end of the 19th century, by which point they held most top governmental positions.[63]. [81] In the following days Tahrir Square continued to be the primary destination for protests in Cairo[82] as it took place following a popular uprising that began on Tuesday, 25 January 2011 and continued until June 2013. Cairene merchants were instrumental in bringing goods to the barren Hejaz, especially during the annual hajj to Mecca. During that time, the construction of the al-Azhar Mosque was commissioned by order of the Caliph, which developed into the third-oldest university in the world. Mitchell Hartman. [77] Meanwhile, additional controls of the Nile fostered development within Gezira Island and along the city's waterfront. Cairo has long been a centre of the region's political and cultural life, and is titled "the city of a thousand minarets" for its preponderance of Islamic architecture. Egypt has seven players in the top ten of the PSA men's world rankings, and three in the women's top ten. Cairo produces 10,000 tons of waste material each day, 4,000 tons of which is not collected or managed. Cairo, specifically Ramses Square, is the centre of almost the entire Egyptian transportation network.[103]. kairòs by renat.o 36 157 Kairo - Cairo by René 72 23 With a population of over 9 million spread over 3,085 square kilometers (1,191 sq mi), Cairo is by far the largest city in Egypt. This area of Cairo is so-named as it contains the remains of the ancient Roman fortress of Babylon and also overlaps the original site of Fustat, the first Arab settlement in Egypt (7th century AD) and the predecessor of later Cairo. [57] Drawing inspiration from Paris, Isma'il envisioned a city of maidans and wide avenues; due to financial constraints, only some of them, in the area now composing Downtown Cairo, came to fruition. [127] The mosque itself retains significant Fatimid elements but has been added to and expanded in subsequent centuries, notably by the Mamluk sultans Qaitbay and al-Ghuri and by Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda in the 18th century. Around the turn of the 4th century,[22] as Memphis was continuing to decline in importance,[23] the Romans established a fortress town along the east bank of the Nile. Man findet oft Moscheen, neue moderne Häuser und armliche Hütten nicht selten direkt nebeneinander. Football is the most popular sport in Egypt, and Cairo has a number of sporting teams that compete in national and regional leagues. [104] Traffic moves at a relatively fluid pace. Following the Muslim conquest in AD 640, the conqueror Amr ibn As settled to the north of the Babylon in an area that became known as al-Fustat. Kairo gehört nicht dazu: Erst die Römer … The Travels of Ibn Battuta, p. 13, 225. Al Qatta'i was centred around a palace and ceremonial mosque, now known as the Mosque of ibn Tulun. The British occupation was intended to be temporary, but it lasted well into the 20th century. [46] The city was the second-largest in the empire, behind Constantinople, and, although migration was not the primary source of Cairo's growth, twenty percent of its population at the end of the 18th century consisted of religious minorities and foreigners from around the Mediterranean. The Travels of Ibn Battuta. Ibn Battuta. President Mubarak inaugurated the new Cairo Opera House of the Egyptian National Cultural Centres on 10 October 1988, 17 years after the Royal Opera House had been destroyed by fire. This fortress, known as Babylon, was the nucleus of the Roman and then the Byzantine city and is the oldest structure in the city today. Print. 6,2 . [83] On 11 February, following weeks of determined popular protest and pressure, Hosni Mubarak resigned from office. … Angrenzende Nachbarländer: 4,3 / 5. The Cairo Metro is one of the only two metro systems in Africa (the other being in Algiers, Algeria), and ranks amongst the fifteen busiest in the world,[10] with over 1 billion[11] annual passenger rides. Der natürliche Anstieg wird voraussichtlich positiv sein, da die Zahl der Geburten die Zahl Quelle : Abteilung für wirtschaftliche und soziale Angelegenheiten der Vereinten Nationen, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Bevölkerung, Aktuelle Bevölkerung (Stand 30. The best known teams are Al Ahly, El Zamalek and Al-Ismaily. The Citadel is a fortified enclosure begun by Salah al-Din in 1176 AD on an outcrop of the Muqattam Hills as part of a large defensive system to protect both Cairo to the north and Fustat to the southwest. This was known as al-Askar (the city of sections, or cantonments) as it was laid out like a military camp. The area includes the Coptic Cairo, which holds a high concentration of old Christian churches such as the Hanging Church, the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George, and other Christian or Coptic buildings, most of which are located over the site of the ancient Roman fortress. In 1250, slave soldiers, known as the Mamluks, seized control of Egypt and like many of their predecessors established Cairo as the capital of their new dynasty. Khan el-Khalili is an ancient bazaar, or marketplace adjacent to the Al-Hussein Mosque. [87] The Cairo Governorate was just north of the Helwan Governorate from 2008 when some Cairo's southern districts, including Maadi and New Cairo, were split off and annexed into the new governorate,[93] to 2011 when the Helwan Governorate was reincorporated into the Cairo Governorate. However, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun is the oldest mosque that still retains its original form and is a rare example of Abbasid architecture from the classical period of Islamic civilization. Governorate Cairo is considered a city-proper and functions as a municipality. Although Cairo avoided Europe's stagnation during the Late Middle Ages, it could not escape the Black Death, which struck the city more than fifty times between 1348 and 1517. [56] Bigger changes came to Cairo under Isma'il Pasha (r. 1863–1879), who continued the modernisation processes started by his grandfather. Gamal Abd El-Nasir 1, Giza, 12557 Kairo, Ägypten – Ausgezeichnete Lage - Karte anzeigen Hervorragende Lage — bewertet mit 10,0/10! A 2013 UN study found that over 99% of Egyptian women reported experiencing sexual harassment at some point in their lives. The Greater Cairo is the largest metropolitan area in Africa. The Mamluks, and the later Ottomans, also built wikalas or caravanserais to house merchants and goods due to the important role of trade and commerce in Cairo's economy. The economy of Cairo was ranked first in the Middle East in 2005,[12] and 43rd globally on Foreign Policy's 2010 Global Cities Index.[13]. It was built in 876–879 AD in a style inspired by the Abbasid capital of Samarra in Iraq. [133] Today, the Khan el-Khalili is a major tourist attraction and popular stop for tour groups. The Khedivial Opera House, or Royal Opera House, was the original opera house in Cairo. Kairo (arabisch القاهرة, al-Qāhira -- „die Starke") ist die Hauptstadt Ägyptens und die größte Stadt der arabischen Welt. [135] Egypt still struggles with poverty, with almost half the population living on $2 or less a day[136] From the income the country does make, most of it does come from Cairo, as the majority of the countries manufacturing headquarters are located there.