bcdboot c:\windows /s L: /f UEFI. If you boot your WinPE drive via UEFI interface / options, BCDBOOT will default to try working with GPT and EFI firmware. If Windows 7 then just run: bcdboot c:\windows /s c: I was very slow to move to Win 8.1, 99% due to fact I can't stand the (lack of) F8 bootmenu. bcdboot c:\windows /s s: /f BIOS. (if that works) Temp Where you tell it of course If you say bcdboot F:\Windows then it is going to add a record to the bcd store for the volume that is currently F. F in this case is only the letter assigned by the currently running system - nothing more. Step 6: Choose a directory to save the checked files (you’d better save the lost files … bcdboot c:\windows /s s: /f EFI. Is the problem locating the source files or is it writing to the destination, or something else? I get “Failure when attempting to copy boot files.” It’s because that bcdboot can’t copy … Your firmware has a way of scanning and identifying valid disk volumes to boot … I want to move it to the new SSD. The problem comes when creating a EFI partition to be able to actually boot on the SSD's OS partition. BTW, isn’t mountvol k: /s a much easier way for mounting? Step 5: Make sure which files need to be restored, and then check the checkbox next to the file name and click Save.Note that you should back up the important files to the non-system partitions or another storage device if you find that the recovered data does not include these files.. However, the best bet here is to run the command with the ‘All’ parameter in case if you are not sure. Finally! With an EFI reserve partition missing because it wasn't created you get: Failure when attempting to copy boot files. Currently the OS is on a partition of the HDD. To fix the failure when attempting to copy boot files, set the system partition to active and copy both the UEFI and BIOS files to disk. Hello everyone,I am attempting to deploy a .wim file using Win PE, but am having troubleOnce in PE I use these commands:DiskpartSelect disk 0CleanCreate partition primary size=3... BCDboot "Failure when attempting to copy boot files" - Software Deployment & Patching … I try to use bcdboot in Windows 8.1 to include the drive of Windows 10: bcdboot d:\\windows /d /addlast. Using bcdboot as described from the built-in Recovery command prompt kept resulting in “Failure when attempting to copy boot files”. My letter L drive is FAT32, type Partition, size 101 MB, Status Healthy unlabeled, and has the following directories: EFI. I'm trying to create a bootable media that will do a Lite Touch Installation of Windows 10 Education (20.04). If you got into the WinPE using the EFI interface, then try running these commands. I get the error: Failure when attempting to copy boot files. So, I created a GParted live key to copy the OS partition to the SSD. I installed a SSD next to the current HDD of a laptop with Windows 10. bcdboot c:\windows /s s: /f ALL Solution 2: bcdboot c:\windows and you got the message "failure when attempting to copy boot files" probably you are in the situation I was. MDT - Failed to deploy Windows 10 to Reference Computer (BCDBoot.exe Error: "Failure when attempting to copy boot files.") But using the same bcdboot from the Repair option of the Windows installation media WORKED! I tried to solve using this command: bcdboot c:\windows /s s: (where S: is the small system partition) and apparently with success, but after rebooting the machine you got: An operating system wasn't found. Assuming you boot it then it will be C - drive letters change. This is how you should be running the command. IF dual boot and the harddrive you are trying to get bootable I still do all the above but run: bcdboot d:\windows /s d: /f all /v (where D is the drive I'm trying to boot to).