Eine der wertvollsten Botschaften: Zur Entdämonisierung der weiblichen Lust braucht es die Zusammenarbeit mit den Männern. Nothing in this world can make you look and feel quite like an orgasm does. More than a year ago. clock. Hier finden Sie alle literarischen Termine. Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey found 95 percent of women reach orgasm easily and within four minutes during masturbation. The film argues for the liberation of female sexuality in equal, sensual relationships between the sexes in the 21st century. Study after study show: sexual pleasure, self-esteem and satisfaction have profound impacts on our physical and mental wellbeing. anschließenden Diskussion ein. Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen. © 2020 WOW Tech™ Europe GmbH All rights reserved. Eine Sonderreihe zur Werkschau Lutz Dammbeck zeigt seine beiden Dokumentarfilme "Das Netz. #FEMALE PLEASURE von Miller ist ein Film voller luzider, inspirierender Aussagen. Im Anschluss Diskussion mit der Regisseurin Barbara Miller. Feministische Politik and DIE LINKE. Now you do. #Female Pleasure smoothly glides from one country segment to another and engages audiences with the personal stories of the five women, told through voiceover and solo interviews, as well as a broader look at the cultures in which they live. "[18], Writing for the Los Angeles Times, Maria Garcia estimated the objectivity and universality of the topic: Each of the protagonists "provides an insider view of the unique brand of misogyny that informs their respective cultures. Waves of pleasure that “go on and on.” And did you know men can have multiple orgasms? "[21], The film received several awards and nominations: After the Zonta Prize at the Critics Week at the Locarno Festival 2018,[22] the film won the Special Prize of the Interreligious Jury at the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film. pin. WEB-LINK https://www.femalepleasure.org. Read full review Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM UTC+02. #Female Pleasure (2018) Photo Gallery. It’s where fingers, a dildo, a penis, a tampon or moon cup can go. More than a year ago. But with all the things still unknown about female sexuality, the best w Orgasm is possible when women are alone. Why It’s About Time We Close The Orgasm Gap, How To Practice Sexual Pleasure When You’re Single, women need some kind of clitoral stimulation, Why do we still associate sex with penetration, Why You Should Consider Bringing A Vibrator On A First Date, Everything You Need To Know About Female Pleasure, The Post-Orgasm Glow: 7 Ways Orgasms Can Make You Look (And Feel) More Beautiful, How To Talk To Your Partner About Using Sex Toys, Prostate Pleasure 101: What You Need to Know to Level-Up Your Orgasm. SPD-Landtagsfraktion Bayern für Parité . « Filmvorführung und Diskussion “female pleasure ” X-Mas Party Parktheter » Auch dieses Jahr findet wieder der Weihnachtsmarkt auf unserem Campus statt. #FEMALE PLEASURE begleitet fünf mutige, starke, kluge Frauen aus den fünf … Wenn man es „kulturelle Praxis“ nennt, verharmlost man damit, was den Kindern passiert. Unabomber, LSD & Internet" und "Overgames". FILMREIHE Filmreihe: Femmes Totales . Type. Not just emotionally, mentally, and physically, but with a little somethin’ else too: a vibrator. Twelve Female Body Screams Fighting the Suburban Pleasure of Male Domestication. All the Women - #Female Pleasure. August 2019 - 12:00 bis 14:00. ASF überzeugt Parteitag von der Parität: SPD Thüringen setzt sich für eine Reform des Thüringer Wahlrechts ein. Twelve Female Body Screams Fighting the Suburban Pleasure of Male Domestication. A película explora a sexualidade feminina no século XXI ao redor do mundo. Contido. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Am 4.12.2019 könnt ihr um 18:30 den Film “female pleasure” anschauen. Which leads me to the next revelation… (there’s often a flow with these revelations). Buy Woman In Pleasure: Read Everything Else Reviews - Amazon.com 25.11.19: 18 Uhr Mahnwache vor der Lorenzkirche. Female Sexual Pleasure Recent research reminds us of abundant possibility for female sexuality. #Female Pleasure. Er zeigt ihren Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität. Der Film #Female Pleasure begleitet fünf mutige, starke und kluge Frauen aus den fünf Weltreligionen und zeigt ihren erfolgreichen, risikoreichen Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität und für ein gleichberechtigtes, respektvolles Miteinander unter den Geschlechtern. The vagina is a muscular canal that connects the uterus to the vulva. D 2106, Uni Augsburg. #FEMALE PLEASURE. #Female Pleasure é un 2018 un documental suízo-alemán dirixido pola directora suíza Barbara Miller. In the context of the world religions, courageous women break their silence regarding one of the greatest mysteries and taboos of our time: female pleasure. Mehr . Event in Vienna, Austria by VOTIVKINO / DE FRANCE on Sunday, November 25 2018 with 2.2K people interested and 140 people going. #Female Pleasure begleitet fünf mutige, starke, kluge Frauen aus den fünf Kulturen und zeigt ihren erfolgreichen, risikoreichen Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität und für ein gleichberechtigtes, respektvolles Miteinander unter den Geschlechtern. Filmtheater am Friedrichshain. DARSTELLER Deborah Feldman, Leyla Hussein, Rokudenashiko, Doris Wagner, Vithika Yadav . Top 15 der Kinocharts . Get the latest in pleasure, passion and intimacy delivered to your inbox. #FEMALE PLEASURE shows the universal mechanisms at work that determine the position of women until today, spanning cultures, religions and continents: from Japan and India and the Somali Muslim diaspora to the Hasidic community in Brooklyn and the Catholic clergy in Europe. Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC+01. März ab 19.30 Uhr im Stadttheater Barbara Millers Dokumentarfilm #Female Pleasure. But most women need clitoral stimulation. For the first, what is your experience of sex, I hear words like obligation, awkwardness, disappointment, not-quite there, anticlimactic, confusing, stressful. Moment #2. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing #Female Pleasure near you. We are all uniquely different so you need to discover your own pleasure. 20 photos. März um 18.30 Uhr im ZKM die städtische Gleichstellungsbeauftragte und das Internationale Begegnungszentrum in Kooperation mit dem ZKM. … Das 61. Amidst this current sexual revolution, it’s time to address a topic that’s been missing from our conversations around sex: pleasure. Damit soll jetzt Schluss sein. Im Anschluss gibt es, wie immer bei uns, eine gut besuchte, rege Diskussion. If sex is penetration that excludes a whole group of people who don’t have sex in that way or dont want to have sex in that way. You’re going to have to ask them. Um die vielen Facetten der Frauenpolitik ging es bei einem Filmabend mit anschließender Diskussion in der Kurbelkiste im Kulturhaus Lÿz. But when I ask what does fulfilling sex mean to you, I see the person’s physicality change, they embody the person who has fulfilling sex, and I hear words like connection, mind-blowing, orgasmic, goals, excitement, desire, love. Im Film "Female Pleasure" sagen Sie deutlich, dass Genitalverstümmelung keine "kulturelle Praxis" ist - sondern Missbrauch. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, July 5. TERRE DES FEMMES e.V. Fußbereich Weiterführende Links/Kleingedrucktes . Similar Muriel Del Don on Cineuropa.org: "What this documentary seems to want to tell us is that it's never too late to assert our right to exist. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'female' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. By all means call your genitals what you want, but in naming all of a woman’s anatomy the ‘vagina,’ we’re referring to organs by the part that gives heterosexual men the most pleasure during penetrative sex. clock. #FEMALE PLEASURE embarks on a journey to discover the remaining obstacles that stand in the way of female sexuality in the 21st century.In the context of the world religions, courageous women break their silence regarding one of the greatest mysteries and taboos of our time: female pleasure. Why is this? Elisa: Grundsätzlich gilt: … Add to Calendar 2019-11-17 14:30:00 2019-11-17 16:15:00 #Female Pleasure 11/17/2019 2:30 pm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston tickets@mfa.org America/New_York public CH / D. 2018. “Moxie by We-Vibe is small, but powerful. Movie: #Female Pleasure (2019) info with movie soundtracks, credited songs, film score albums, reviews, news, and more. Gleichzeitig zeigen uns die fünf Protagonistinnen, wie man mit Mut, Kraft und Lebensfreude jede Struktur verändern kann. [3], The film premiered on August 5, 2018, at the International Film Festival Locarno in the Semaine de la Critique. [11] According to the German Television, the film was one of the most relevant documentaries of the year 2018.[12]. Subscribe for upcoming promotions, contests, and the latest We-Vibe news. And due to the fact that women’s health and sexuality has been ignored for so long, that notion is still being studied. Because, not only does the documentary present the responsibility we have as global citizens to educate ourselves in the contemporary state of the world, it also highlights the responsibility we have to be critical to the inevitably one-dimensional perspective enforced by the use of camera. Amidst this current sexual revolution, it’s time to address a topic that’s been missing from our conversations around sex: pleasure. Jenseits von Hollywood fällt die globale … [16], Annette Scharnberg from Swiss Radio and Television underlined the importance of the film for mutual understanding between the sexes: "One can only hope that those individuals who are upset over the supposed whining about equality, MeToo, and gender issues will be better able to comprehend, thanks to films like #Female Pleasure, why there is no other alternative than to fight back against this culture of oppression. This message is only visible to admins:Unable to display Facebook posts, The holidays can be a stressful time for couples. Plot Summary. "[20] And second, a "powerful tool for learning. AB 0 JAHRE. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO. The revelations go full circle, beginning and ending with pleasure. Die Dokumentation schildert, wie universell die Mechanismen sind, die die Si-tuation der Frauen bis heute bestimmen. Die Reihe "Film im Theater" zeigt am 7. Sexuality is a source of self knowledge and having open, real conversations about pleasure, will be a driving force in this sexual revolution. Hosted by Referat für Gender und Gleichstellung - Uni Augsburg, Loverz Movement and Umwelt- und Gesundheitsreferat Uni Augsburg. Film «Female Pleasure» mit anschliessender Diskussion Moderation: Brigitte Affolter, Interfilm CH Freitag, 6. Barbara Miller begleitet darin fünf mutige, starke und kluge Frauen aus den fünf Weltreligionen und … [23] For the Swiss Film Award 2019, #Female Pleasure was nominated in the three categories Best Documentary Film, Best Film Score, Best Film Editing;[24] in Austria, it won a Romy Award in the category Best Cinema Documentary. Hosted by DIE LINKE, DIE LINKE. Refine All Photos By. Dezember, 12 Uhr und 18 Uhr Samichläusinnen-Aktionstag in und um die Heiliggeistkirche Sonntag, 8. Written by We-Vibe’s Australian Ambassador, Certified Sex Educator & Coach Georgia Grace. Was leider thematisch nach dem Filmanfang auf der Strecke bleibt, ist die Rolle der, wenn man so will, Religion der Gegenwart, dem Kapitalismus. Städtegruppe Bremen den Film, um auf Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen und Mädchen hinzuweisen und lädt zur anschließenden Diskussion ein. As #Female Pleasure focuses on patriarchal constraints on women's sexuality, film critics located the film as a contribution to the #MeToo debate. O filme defende a liberación da sexualidade feminina en relacións iguais e sensuais entre os sexos no século XXI. This final one seems so simple, but I see it changing people when it’s truly believed and embodied. pin. Hosted by DIE LINKE, DIE LINKE. I’ll share three ‘uh ha!’ moments I hear regularly from people who identify as women, and provide insights as to how you can come to these revelations or at the very least invite pleasure into your life. But first, let me pose two questions I often ask clients: What is your experience of sex? With incredible strength and positive energy, Deborah Feldman, Leyla Hussein, Rokudenashiko, Doris Wagner and Vithika Yadav are fighting for the sexual liberation and autonomy for women … Herzlich willkommen bei den ver.di-Frauen in Berlin-Brandenburg! ndet eine Diskussion mit der Regisseurin Barbara Miller statt. The production of the film was led by Mons Veneris Films GmbH, Zurich,[7] Das Kollektiv für audiovisuelle Werke GmbH, Zurich,[8] and Indi Film GmbH, Stuttgart,[9] in a co-production with SRG SSR, Arte, SRF, RTS, and RSI. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Film.If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see lists of open tasks and regional and topical task forces.To use this banner, please refer to the documentation.To improve this article, please refer to the guidelines. Datenschutz: Wenn Sie per Formular auf der Website oder per E-Mail Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, nämlich [Vorname, Nachname, Emailadresse,] seitens Doris Kaiser für den Versand von Werbenewsletter gespeichert und verarbeitet. The film was directed by Barbara Miller. Did you know that we’ve been naming these organs wrong? [15] Martin Kudlac wrote on Screen Anarchy: "At the beginning of 21st century, gender and cultural stereotypes undergo major re-assessment, while women and their voices in the society are being empowered and heart loud and clear. Festival Locarno: Semaine de la Critique# FEMALE PLEASURE est un plaidoyer contemporain pour la libération de la sexualité féminine. Why do we still associate sex with penetration? But most women need clitoral stimulation. Der Dokfilm hält sich noch immer in den Top 15 der Kinocharts. Berlin. #FEMALE PLEASURE begleitet fünf mutige, starke, kluge Frauen aus den fünf Weltreligionen und zeigt ihren erfolgreichen, risikoreichen Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität und für ein gleichberechtigtes, respektvolles Miteinander unter den Geschlechtern. For real. #FEMALE PLEASURE begleitet fünf mutige, starke, kluge Frauen aus den fünf Weltreligionen und zeigt ihren erfolgreichen, risikoreichen Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität und für ein gleichberechtigtes, respektvolles Miteinander unter den Geschlechtern. Juni 2019 um 21:57 Uhr bearbeitet. [13] Even if the five women are disparate in terms of their stories and experiences, "Miller underlines the fact that women's struggle to embrace and own their sexuality in a world dominated by misogyny is universal", wrote Betsy Bozdeck. Open conversations and useful information will support you in learning about your body, your pleasure potential and allow you to experience sexual satisfaction, happiness and wellbeing throughout your life. Ist ein dreitägiges Festival, das auf eine ungezwungene und spielerische Art alte Stigmata rund um Körper und Sexualität aufbrechen und zu neuen Diskussionen … Berlin. Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC+01. Sollte sich die öffentliche Diskussion mehr darum drehen? Filmvorführung "#Female Pleasure" zum Internationalen Frauentag . Women can and must assert their sexuality, not for the sake of duty, but in the name of pleasure, because this sexuality fast becomes a weapon with which to fight a patriarchy-prison of grotesque proportions. Viele Fragen, kaum Antworten, dafür aber ganz viel Scham, Tabus – und nur noch mehr Fragen. That’s the conclusion of the largest study to analyse the diversity of female sexual pleasure, published in the Journal of … Wie steht ihr dazu? [4] The film's release was on November 8, 2018, in Germany and Austria, and November 15 in Switzerland. Masturbation 102: How Women Pleasure Themselves Studies show that most women focus on external stimulation during self-pleasure. This lack of awareness isn’t just on the individual, it’s fuelled by our sex ed system. Glumci: Deborah Feldman , Leyla Hussein , Rokudenashiko , Doris Wagner , Vithika Yadav Manche Bundesländer wollen, dass der 8. REGIE Barbara Miller . Im Anschluss spricht Silvia Reckermann (Terres des femmes) über den Film und lädt Sie zur Diskussion ein. Anschließend gibt es eine Diskussion mit 4 verschiedenen Expertinnen zu dem Film/Thema. Writer-director Barbara Miller's documentary explores the societal, cultural, religious, and legal restrictions on female sexuality across the globe. Ernsthafter sexueller Missbrauch bei Kindern, ja. Nach dem Film ? Fandango FANALERT® Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Would it be absurd to consider the possibility of there being different types of orgasms you can achieve as a female? In der Spätlese sind die beiden Medienboard-geförderten Produktionen "#Female Pleasure" von Barbara Miller, sowie Victor Kossakovskys Hommage ans Wasser "Aquarela" vertreten. Feministische Politik and DIE LINKE. Knowledge of the clitoris increases orgasm rate during masturbation but not during partnered sex. Anmerkung. 20 photos. This is actually a scientific fact. [5] On October 18, 2019, was the film's U.S. theatrical release.[6]. The issues they confront are not new; yet, the stories of their radicalization are engaging, and Miller's deft editing and objective approach result in a surprisingly intimate and life-affirming film. … It accompanies five women from different cultural backgrounds who stand up against the repression of female sexuality in their cultural and religious communities. I frame these at a time that we are speaking about sex more than ever before, and as a result expecting more from it. Für die Premiere von #Female Pleasure am 08.11.2018 im Filmstudio Glückauf konnte die bekannte Regisseurin Barbara Miller gewonnen werden. Unter einem etwas irreführenden Titel begleitet dieser Dokumentarfilm fünf junge Frauen aus den fünf Weltreligionen bei ihrem risikoreichen Aufstand gegen die Dämonisierung der weiblichen Sexualität durch den zunehmenden religiösen Fanatismus. What if you could say you’ve had sex when you’ve had an enthusiastically consensual, highly pleasurable, desired experience, that may or may not involve penetration or end in climax. female:pressure ist ein internationales feministisches Netzwerk von Frauen, die in der Elektronischen Musik und Computerkunst arbeiten. One word is different, but I get two completely different responses. So here’s a snapshot of some useful ideas I work with in supporting people who want to learn about female pleasure. Reform des Thüringer Wahlrechts. Best-selling author Peggy Orenstein pointed out that sex education ignores the clitoris, teaching only about women’s internal, reproductive organs. Es wird auch eine weihnachtliche Fotowand für euch geben. As #Female Pleasure focuses on patriarchal constraints on women's sexuality,[14] film critics located the film as a contribution to the #MeToo debate. Weitere Informationen . The narrative of sex begins with erection and ends in ejaculation and many believe that women climax from penetration alone. [25] In 2019, the film received the Amnesty International Award at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival,[26] and the Audience Award at Millennium Docs Against Gravity in Warsaw. Possibly. I ask these questions, one after the other. Über das Jahr verteilt finden in Hannovers Bibliotheken, Büchereien und Co. zahlreiche Lesungen statt. Twelve Female Body Screams Fighting the Suburban Pleasure of Male Domestication. It is perfect for fun literally anywhere.” Read more about We-Vibe’s new wearable vibrator. Anlässlich des internationalen Frauentags zeigt die TERRE DES FEMMES e.V. Parität in Bayern. Hier findet ihr alles rund um die Frauen- und Gleichstellungspolitik von ver.di. Film und Diskussion über Selbstbestimmung der Frauen. At the date of the theatrical release in the U.S., the Alliance of Women Film Journalists labeled the documentary as the movie of the week, because it "shows us why that fight is so important — and how it connects women across distances both geographical and cultural". “Sex is about pleasure not just penetration” The narrative of sex begins with erection and ends in ejaculation and many believe that women climax from penetration alone. 13 posts in the discussion. Mehr als 36'000 Deutschweizerinnen und Deutschschweizer haben sich den Film angeschaut. But of course, this is not everything you need to know about female pleasure. In Switzerland, the film had the biggest box office of all Swiss documentaries of the year 2018. Start exploring. What does fulfilling sex mean to you? The film reveals similarities among the different protagonists, and shows their struggle for self-determined sexuality,[1] and "each woman, all invaluable in terms of the work they are doing, frame their stories in different ways", as Jordan Julian points out in her article in The Daily Beast:[2] The US-American author Deborah Feldman left the New York City Hasidic community; the Somali psychotherapist Leyla Hussein had to undergo genital mutilation as a child, and fights against this practice; Japanese manga artist Rokudenashiko was arrested several times because of her work featuring female genitalia; Bavarian scholar Doris Reisinger, a former nun, reported publicly on the experiences of abuse in a spiritual community in Rome; and Vithika Yadav works as a sex education publisher in Delhi. Posted Sep 15, 2013 So gekonnt dokumentiert «Female Pleasure», dass sein Schweizer Verleiher eben vermelden konnte: Es ist der erfolgreichste Kino-Dokumentarfilm 2018. Does it matter? Mehr . Hauptkommissar a.D. M. Paulus . 19:30 Uhr Vortrag im Haus International mit Journalistin V. Munk. Wir freuen uns auf Sie/Euch! Full body orgasms. I repeat, the clitoris has only one function: pleasure. #FEMALE PLEASURE Filmvorführung und Diskussion Über die Veranstaltung. Reducing female pleasure to a blog post is like reducing sex to licking, you can touch on some important parts but by no means can you cover everything. Uh ha! If you happen to be someone who’s in a relationship with a person who’s hesitant, or maybe even completely against bringing sex toys into the bedroom all together, then here are five ways to get them to come over to the other side; the sex toy side. Es wurde 1998 von Electric Indigo, Acid Maria, Gudrun Gut u. a. gegründet.. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. #Female Pleasure is a 2018 Swiss-German documentary film directed by Swiss director Barbara Miller. If you’re a positive person when it comes to dating, then it’s important to go into that date fully prepared. Here are some tips on how to avoid unpleasant arguments and keep up with that holiday harmony Women and Gender Studies Professor Breanne Fahs, author of Performing Sex suggests that, “Pleasure does not preclude a self-critical approach.” Fahs encourages women … #FEMALE PLEASURE shows the universal mechanisms at work that determine the position of women until today, spanning cultures, religions and continents: from Japan and India and the Somali Muslim diaspora to the Hasidic community in Brooklyn and the Catholic clergy in Europe. "[19], Malin Jörnvi from FF2 Media identifies two further important aspects of the film. https://t.co/UIOZeLbfUt. He continued that Miller did not attack religions, though the film made "an informed point on inherent sexism and misogyny frequently exerted on behalf or under the pretense of a higher being while using women body as a key". #FEMALE PLEASURE is a plea for the liberation of female sexuality in the 21st century. Am 05.12.2019 könnt ihr ab 14 Uhr Glühwein, Punsch, Waffeln und vieles mehr genießen und ab 16 Uhr ist auch wieder das Kässpatzen-Mobil für euch auf dem Campus! I’ll share three ‘uh ha!’ moments I hear regularly from people who identify as women, and provide insights as to how you can come to these revelations or at the very least invite pleasure into your life. #Female Pleasure begleitet fünf mutige, starke, kluge Frauen aus fünf Kulturen und zeigt ihren erfolgreichen, risikoreichen Kampf für eine selbstbestimmte weibliche Sexualität und für ein gleichberechtigtes, respektvolles Miteinander unter den Geschlechtern. Der ver.di-Frauenrat und die ver.di-Jugend zeigen den Film „#Female Pleasure“ mit anschließender Diskussion in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Female Pleasure. Der Dokumentarfilm begleitet fünf junge Frauen aus fünf verschiedenen Kulturen, die sich gegen die Repression der weiblichen Sexualität ihrer kulturellen & religiösen Gemeinschaften auflehnen. A San Francisco-based company teaches OM — orgasmic meditation — a practice where partners focus on women's orgasm More Video Most Popular in Past 24 Hours At an even more fundamental level, knowing the specific and correct terms for body parts empowers people to take full ownership of them. Donnerstag, 12.03.2020 Einlass: 19Uhr Start: 19:30Uhr Eintritt frei Kontakt: bremen@frauenrechte.de Die DVD ist freigegeben für öffentliche, nichtgewerbliche Vorführungen. Research has shown that most women need some kind of clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm, and far too many aren’t getting the stimulation they want. Add Image. Posted Jun 25, 2018 See 1 video » Storyline. MY PLEASURE! When I challenge workshop participants to point to the clitoris in the diagram, more than ¾ of the room can’t find it, they usually label it in the vaginal canal, and sometimes near the anus. clock. pin. #FEMALE PLEASURE embarks on a journey to discover the remaining obstacles that stand in the way of female sexuality in the 21st century.In the context of the world religions, courageous women break their silence regarding one of the greatest mysteries and taboos of our time: female pleasure. Mehr . Women's experiences with genital touching, sexual pleasure, and orgasm: Results from a U.S. probability sample of women ages 18 to 94. That more than 75% of us can’t point out the only organ in the human body that is specifically designed for pleasure. First, the role of the religion: "the documentary take[s] an explicit stance when it comes to religion: All the narratives involve biting critique against the treatment of women and women bodies within organized human faith.