And stranger still that the episode seems to have been torn from the pages of a writer revered by Nietzsche: Fyodor Dostoevsky. Certainly, anyone tempted to interpret the story of the Turin horse as a story about understanding others will find fuel in lines Nietzsche had written that same year, about another overburdened equine: “Can an ass be tragic? But whatever did … Breaking into tears, he slumped to the floor. The horse story is, for him, “something that very graphically demonstrated the link between a cause and its effect. He writes, for instance, in The Gay Science, that “One thing is needful. The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 2: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 3: I Am Dynamite! He put his arms round the neck of the horse and sobbed. Wenn Sie Nietzsche horse nicht versuchen, fehlt Ihnen womöglich bloß der Ansporn, um tatsächlich etwas zu berichtigen. Die Monotonie der Bilder, die Wiederholung der Handlungen und die sich langsam ausbreitende Resignation entwickeln eine Sogkraft, der man sich schwer entziehen kann.“, Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 2011. Undoubtedly Nietzsche was found in the street, and there are multiple firsthand accounts that detail Nietzsche’s subsequent mental decline and his spell in a mental asylum shortly after. Satanstango | Nietzsche puts an end to the brutal scene, throwing his arms On January 3, 1889 in Turin, Italy, Friedrich Nietzsche steps out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. Dazu verschiedene Tatsachen, die ich im Verlauf meiner Suche ausmachen konnte: Nummer Produktname Preis; 1: The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 2: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 3: I Am Dynamite! German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse while traveling in Turin, Italy. 1889. Sodass Sie zu Hause mit Ihrem Nietzsche horse hinterher wirklich zufriedengestellt sind, haben wir außerdem einen großen Teil der schlechten Produkte bereits aus der Liste geworfen. We already understand it. One day in Turin in 1889 Nietzsche beat up a hansom cab driver who was savagely whipping his horse. I detect an odd specter of Nietzsche in The Turin Horse, though it’s more of an anti-Nietzsche. To the delight of the cheering mob, the horse is beaten by its owner (“so brutally, so brutally, sometimes even across the eyes and muzzle”). Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. Nietzsche, who directed his philosophy against Schopenhauer’s conceptions of pity and empathy, would appear to be bearing witness to the cracks in his own reasoning if he himself, in a moment of radical pathos, is brought trembling and weeping to his knees by a beaten nag. When he is taken home, Nietzsche’s mind is … The central image of his life that has proven so tenacious, that of the weeping Nietzsche embracing a horse, is perhaps the most difficult to prove. His father scoops him up and drags him away from the horse, against his will, and suddenly Raskolnikov awakes, cold and sweating. László Krasznahorkai had a short story about Nietzsche’s incident where he asked the question what happens to the horse afterwards, and this is exactly what the film is about: our fictional answer to this question. 1889. The story of the Turin horse was thus told 11 years after the event it purports to describe, by an unnamed reporter, who recounts a version of events spoken to Nietzsche’s landlord by an equally nameless police officer. Daraufhin hört auch der Vater auf zu essen und sitzt mit seiner Tochter in vollkommener Stille am Tisch. The Turin Horse von Béla Tarr „Am 3. Nietzsche runs to throw his arms around the horse’s neck - a defensive act, bursts into tears, and collapses onto the ground. (It is hard to say whether it helps or hinders the thesis of compassion that Nietzsche, in his final years of madness, was supposed to have unendingly repeated a few terse phrases, including “I do not like horses.”) It is tantalizing for his readers to imagine that, by embracing a horse, he was ending his career as a philosopher and writer as a spectacular failure — he was confessing, not in words but in action, that we cannot slip so easily out of the confines of compassion. He was almost arrested for disturbing the peace, but was rescued by his landlord and was taken back home and to bed. Am sechsten Tag sitzen der Bauer und seine Tochter am Tisch, wo sie rohe Kartoffeln zu sich nehmen wollen. His rage was incandescent, bestial. The horse, poor, ravaged creature, looks around, thankful, very thankful.” Nietzsche tells his correspondent that the repulsive dream nearly stirred him to tears. Nietzsche puts an end to the brutal scene, throwing his arms around the horse s neck, sobbing. Informationen; Bildergalerie; Pressematerial; Synopsis „Am 3. So goes the story of Nietzsche’s collapse in Turin, at least as far as conventional wisdom has it. Friedrich Nietzsche went mad after allegedly seeing a horse being whipped in the Italian city of Turin. The cries of the horse must have pierced Nietzsche, broken him somehow. Am meisten Zuneigung erfährt noch das Pferd der Familie, das metaphorisch oder tatsächlich als das Pferd der Nietzsche-Anekdote gesehen werden könnte. — To ‘give style’ to one’s character — a great and rare art!” If Nietzsche advises, above all, that we should cultivate our lives and our selves as we would create a work of art, what might it mean for his own life to so neatly replicate a literary work? Berlinale. (Fino doesn’t actually mention a collapse either, but letters circulating amongst Nietzsche’s friends at the time make it clear that a fall took place.) Gefällt 662 Mal. It might be tempting to over-emphasize the role of Nietzsche’s horse in his life precisely because we feel forced to read it as a focal point of compassion. (I am reminded of lines from William Blake’s “Auguries of Innocence”: “A Horse misused upon the Road / Calls to Heaven for Human blood”.) Seeing a horse being flogged by its owner, he threw himself towards the animal and embraced it. In Turin his hosts were the Fino family, and in their house, in the extraordinarily productive year leading up to the famous incident with a horse, Nietzsche wrote what are remembered as some of his greatest works. Anschließend erlitt Nietzsche seinen Zusammenbruch, der ihn den Rest des Lebens in geistiger Umnachtung zurückließ. Als auch noch die Petroleumlampe erlischt, bleibt nur Dunkelheit zurück. Year: 2011; Sort list by date. Der Titel des Films bezieht sich auf eine Anekdote, die am Filmanfang vom Erzähler berichtet wird: Friedrich Nietzsche soll im Januar 1889 unmittelbar vor seinem geistigen Zusammenbruch in Turin ein streikendes Droschkenpferd mit theatralischer Geste vor der Peitsche des wütenden Kutschers bewahrt haben. The Turin Horse AKA Nietzsche's Horse (A Torinói ló) Imdb. Not far from him, a cab driver is having trouble with a stubborn horse. None of this, of course, has stopped the story being told. And how interesting, for philosophers, that this particular act of mimesis marked his departure from sanity. Outside a pub, a drunken rabble surrounds a weary old horse, hitched to a weighty cartload that it cannot possibly pull. Was aus dem Pferd geworden sei, sei unbekannt.[1]. Here is a selection of excerpts from five of the more well-known accounts of Nietzsche’s life: “On 3 January 1889 or thereabouts he tearfully embraced a mistreated nag in the street.”, “With a cry he flung himself across the square and threw his arms about the animal’s neck. Nietzsche's Horse: 11,28€ 11: The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 12: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 13: I Am Dynamite! Das Pferd hört auf zu fressen und schließlich zu trinken, der Brunnen versiegt, das Feuer im Herd brennt nicht mehr. It recalls the whipping of a horse in the Italian city Turin which is rumoured to have caused the mental breakdown of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Őszi almanach | The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 2: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 3: I Am Dynamite! The remaining 11 years of his life were spent under care, and under the spell of profound madness. Raskolnikov, in the voice of a child, pleads with the men to stop. Jahrhunderts,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Nominierung für Béla Tarr in der Kategorie. Not far from him, a cab driver is having trouble with a stubborn horse. The Turin Horse is a 2011 Hungarian philosophical drama film directed by Béla Tarr and Ágnes Hranitzky, starring János Derzsi, Erika Bók and Mihály Kormos. Nietzsche-inspired, obviously, and Tarr's themes of the hopelessness of existence are laid bare, but by that point in The Turin Horse it is unnecessary. It comes from an interview with the landlord, conducted by an anonymous journalist after Nietzsche’s death in 1900 — 11 years after his walk through Turin. Nietzsche's Horse: 11,28€ 11: The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 12: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 13: I Am Dynamite! Januar 1889 tritt in Turin Friedrich Nietzsche durch die Tür des Hau -ses Via Carlo Alberto 6. As the cruelty escalates and the horse collapses, it becomes clear that it will die. Subtitles rated good ; Not rated ; Visited ; Persian 3; English 8; Arabic 5; Farsi/Persian. Nevertheless, he rises, dresses, and prepares to commit murder. The Turin Horse. Verdammnis | Crying, he runs forward and looks the horse directly in the eye, and in doing so, is caught by a lash from the whip. The report reads: One day when Mr. Fino was walking along the nearby Via Po — one of the main streets of Turin — he saw a group of people drawing near and in their midst were two municipal guards accompanying “the professor.” As soon as Nietzsche saw Fino he threw himself into his arms, and Fino easily obtained his release from the guards, who said that they found that foreigner outside the university gates, clinging tightly to the neck of a horse and refusing to let it go. In his diaries, under an entry relating to the “Russian Society for the Protection of Animals,” Dostoevsky offers an illustration of the manner in which our relation to animals reflects our ethical relation to other humans. Das Turiner Pferd (Originaltitel: A Torinói ló) ist ein Spielfilm des ungarischen Regisseurs Béla Tarr aus dem Jahr 2011. Then he lost consciousness and slid to the ground, still clasping the tormented horse.”, “Nietzsche threw his arms around the horse’s neck, tears streaming from his eyes, and then collapsed onto the ground.”, “As Nietzsche fell on the pavement, he threw his arms around the neck of a mare that had just been flogged by a coachman.”, “Nietzsche had just left his lodgings when he saw a cab-driver beating a horse in the Piazza Carlo Alberto. Perhaps the sight of a horse being flogged really did raise in him the image of Dostoevsky’s pitiful nag, and he felt a peculiar compulsion to complete the scene. März 2012 im Basis-Film Verleih. The film begins with a narrator explaining German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's infamous mental breakdown in Turin, Italy in 1889 after seeing a man continually whip his horse, which yet refused to move. : A Life of Nietzsche: 27,30€ 24: Hackett Classics (41 Book Series) 319,86€ 25: An Intimate History of Humanity: 14,50€ Erlebnisse mit Nietzsche horse. A rural farmer is forced to confront the mortality of his faithful horse. For Dostoevsky, in Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, as well as in some of his own life experiences, the horses represented the shallows of human cruelty, but also the depths of empathy. On January 3, 1889 in Turin, Italy, Friedrich Nietzsche steps out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. This is an idea that is especially tantalizing. Juli 2020 um 12:36 Uhr bearbeitet. Given the circumstances, it is easy to imagine that Nietzsche may well have been weeping — thus the addition of his tears to many of the versions seems broadly permissible. True or not, it is now part of how we understand his life, and it is now a rock, easily thrown by his critics, which might knock down those structures of his thinking we find might less palatable today. A Torinoi Lo - Béla Tarr - 2011 - 1080p; By Believe_in_Not_Believing . And around the same time, Nietzsche was having his own dreams of horses. The horse refuses to move, whereupon the driver loses his patience and takes his whip to it. The Turin Horse Béla Tarrs unglaubliches Werk „A torinói ló“ markiert gleich zwei Enden: Zum einen das Ende des Philosophen Friedrich Nietzsche (und damit, wie jeder Nietzscheaner meint, das Ende jeglicher Philosophie) und zum anderen das Ende des Kinos, wie wir es kennen. Beide wechseln nur wenige und notdürftige Wörter miteinander. Februar 2011 im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs der 61. 2016 belegte Das Turiner Pferd bei einer Umfrage der BBC zu den 100 bedeutendsten Filmen des 21. On January 3, 1889, in the throes of a manic episode, Friedrich Nietzsche left his lodgings in Turin, walked a short distance across a nearby square, and then halted. "The Turin Horse" veranschaulicht an vielen Beispielen die unbewusst ausgeführten tagtäglichen Rituale, die - Tier - Mensch - und - Natur - über sich ergehen lassen müssen - bis - eines Tages, eines nach dem anderen seine "Arbeit" einstellt. Showing all 2 items Jump to: Summaries (2) Summaries. If you are capable of loving, and of feeling and sharing the pain of a creature as pitiful as a horse, then surely only love for mankind can follow. Milan Kundera, in a late chapter of The Unbearable Lightness of Being, seems to opt for this interpretation of the episode when he writes that “Nietzsche was trying to apologize to the horse for Descartes.” Where the philosopher René Descartes claimed that animals are effectively soulless machines, existing only for the use and benefit of mankind, Nietzsche, thinks Kundera, came to re-soul the horse — to see in it affinity with his own being. Not far from him, the driver of a hansom cabis having trouble with a stubborn horse. Mit Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Kormos, Ricsi. Billed Into Silence: Money and the Miseducation of Women. "The Turin Horse" setzt ein mit einem Monolog aus dem Off, in dem von Nietzsches bekanntem Vorfall im Turin des Jahres 1889 berichtet wird: Er … Später erscheinen Zigeuner und trinken aus dem Brunnen, werden aber von dem wütenden Bauern verjagt. Men climb into the cart to weigh it down further, and the owner continues to whip and to shout “Gee-up!” When someone speaks up against the violence, he merely yells “My property, my property!”. Platz. There is also the fact of the symbolic potency of the horse. Strange, then, that there is actually very little evidence that there ever was such a horse. Das Turiner Pferd, 100 bedeutendsten Filmen des 21. 1889. Less than a year before the incident, he wrote, in Twilight of the Idols, that Dostoevsky was “the only psychologist, incidentally, from whom I had something to learn.” The lesson Nietzsche took from Dostoevsky was that criminals represent strong minds under sickness — he must surely have been thinking of Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. A rural farmer is forced to confront the mortality of his faithful horse. But note that there is no coachman whatsoever in Fino’s version of events, and that the very suggestion that the horse might have been suffering at the hands of anyone has trickled into the narrative during its retelling. He understands the significance of the dream, and understands that he himself was at once the child, the flogged horse, and the man with the whip. Or maybe it is Nietzsche’s students and scholars who have flooded the gaps in Fino’s account, and found literature in the life of the philosopher. On January 3, 1889, in the throes of a manic episode, Friedrich Nietzsche left his lodgings in Turin, walked a short distance across a nearby square, and then halted. In a scene that foreshadows the guilt-ridden and hallucinatory fits that will plague him after the murder takes place, he falls into a disturbing dream. All rights reserved. By the writing of the novel, when Dostoevsky was 44 years old, he came to view the story as a formative memory: “My first personal insult, the horse, the courier.” Fittingly, then, a similar episode resurfaces in Dostoevsky’s final novel The Brothers Karamazov, in the chapter “Rebellion.” In that work, a story is told of a horse that cannot pull its cartload; the owner “beats it, beats it savagely, beats it at last not knowing what he is doing in the intoxication of cruelty, thrashes it mercilessly over and over again.” We are told that the story is “peculiarly Russian.” Surprisingly, we also discover that these words are adapted from “lines from Nekrasov” — a reference to the poem “O pogode” (“About the Weather”) by Nikolai Nekrasov, in which a “hideously lean” horse is beaten to death in front of a laughing mob. He had been living a transitory existence for some years, having all but excluded himself from positions at German universities due to his irreligious thought and his provocative writings. Die Werckmeisterschen Harmonien | Nietzsche's Horse: 11,28€ 21: The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 22: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 23: I Am Dynamite! [1] Der Kinostart in Deutschland erfolgte am 15. Panelkapcsolat | © 2019 Los Angeles Review of Books. The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 2: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 3: I Am Dynamite! Béla Tarr ‘s The Turin Horse is built around a legendary act of cruelty. If so, the horse and its owners share in Nietsche’s ultimate fate — a sort of death of spirit. It was co-written by Tarr and his frequent collaborator László Krasznahorkai. —IMDb Editors. He tossed his arms around the horse's neck to protect it then collapsed to the ground. — Perishing under a load you can neither bear nor shed?…The case of the philosopher.” The ass and the philosopher, united in their failure to bear a load — the unbearable heaviness of being. He recalls that at age 15, he, his father, and his brother were journeying on the road when they saw a man in military uniform, having freshly swallowed down a glass of vodka, return to a cab and immediately and senselessly set about beating his driver around the back of the head. Ein Nachbar, der etwas Pálinka von dem Bauern kaufen will, berichtet, dass die benachbarte Stadt durch den Sturm vollständig zerstört worden sei und schiebt die Schuld an der Katastrophe auf die Gierigkeit der Menschen und die Nichtexistenz der Götter. Jahrhunderts den 63. Mit jedem Tag wird den beiden ein Stück ihrer Lebensgrundlage entzogen. When was the idea for the film born? The horse episode held special significance for Dostoevsky, originating, as it did, in his own life experiences. In the view of his landlord, the professor was showing worrying signs of mental decline. Nietzsche was 44 years old in when he suffered a collapse in Turin — coincidentally the same age as Dostoevsky had been when he wrote Crime and Punishment. Nicht allzu weit weg von ihm hat der Kutscher einerPferdedroschke Ärger mit einem … mehr. Handlung. Ko-Regie führte seine Ehefrau Ágnes Hranitzky, die auch für die Montage verantwortlich war. In less than one month, Nietzsche would be diagnosed with a serious mental illness that would make him bed-ridden and speechless for the next eleven years until his death. This fabled story begins with Nietzsche leaving his lodging in Turin, Italy. On January 3, 1889 in Turin, Italy, Friedrich Nietzsche steps out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. Many times, a writer, in order to prove a point or deepen the significance of his work, looks for a nice bite-sized snippet from a piece previously written by a great mind. … more. He assaulted the driver and could have killed him — would have had he not been pulled off by others. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse while traveling in Turin, Italy. Perhaps Nietzsche did have horses on his mind when he stepped into the square on that January morning, and was drawn by some impulse towards one. But there is only a single source that brings a horse into the picture. Die Tochter weigert sich, trotz Aufforderungen ihres Vaters, die Kartoffel zu essen. نوشته و هماهنگ شده با این نسخه از فیلم: The Turin Horse - 2011 - Limited - 1080p Bluray - x264 - Rovers Subtit Der Sturm lässt schließlich nach. The tale is apocryphal, likely hovering more in the realm of fiction than of fact. Throughout the 1866 composition of Crime and Punishment, the horse story was always intended to serve as part of Raskolnikov’s intellectual development; indeed, in Dostoevsky’s notebooks of the period, he attempts to find a place for the horse story no less than six times in the structure of the novel. Der Schwarzweißfilm feierte seine Premiere am 15. But the year was also marked by his increasingly erratic behavior; he would sing and play for hours at a piano, often tunelessly; he would, allegedly, dance boisterously in the nude around his room; the Finos even discovered torn and discarded money in his waste-paper basket. Raskolnikov, who will imminently butcher two old ladies with an axe, is anxiously laid up in bed. Die Landschaft ist karg, die Arbeit und der Tagesverlauf eintönig und gleichförmig. Raskolnikov sees himself as a young boy, walking through a provincial town with his father. Den Hauptteil des Filmes macht die Schilderung des Lebens einer armen Familie von Kartoffelbauern Ende des 19. For one, he provides his own links between his pre-madness biography and the works of Dostoevsky. The Turin Horse [Blu-ray] [UK Import] 13,25€ 2: January 3, 1889: Nietzsche Witnesses the Flogging of a Horse: 1,26€ 3: I Am Dynamite! Nietzsche’s readers who share this view seem to want to believe he threw his arms around that horse, in part because it can be seen as a final flourish to complete his life’s writings (and the writing of his life), but in part because it seems so fatally to contradict large areas of his thought. In unserer Rangliste finden Sie tatsächlich nur die Liste an Produkten, die unseren strengen Qualitätspunkten gerecht werden konnten. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse while traveling in Turin, Italy. But for The Turin Horse, it really is more of a novel than a script that he wrote. There are several reasons why this story might have become so ingrained in the popular understanding of Nietzsche. The Turin Horse (2011) Plot. After uttering his final words, "Mutter, ich bin dumm" ("mother, I am stupid"), Nietzsche becomes mute and demented, cared for by his family until his death a decade later. An old coachman with an expression of the most brutal cynicism, harder than the surrounding winter, urinates on his horse. Nekrasov’s poem was composed after Crime and Punishment — therefore Dostoevsky’s own horse seems real enough, even though he would later draw on another writer’s image of a beaten animal.