Even the experienced and trained people can get confused and may not be able to pinpoint the source of the problem if they were to be denied diagnostics data. In this post, we will introduce to you five useful registry tweaks for gaming performance in Windows 10. Windows Mobile Hotspot Service System Tweaks I play a lot of games and havenât found a comprehensive guide on Tweaking Windows 10 for Gaming, Performance, System Tweaks, Overclocking & Ping/Latency Improvements and all the relatively simple things you can do to give you better performance in games, a better ping online and make the right choices for your needs, I am sure there are changes here that some people will disagree with, feel free to message me & I will change anything that gets out of date or is no longer working. BUT do this as WITH ALL THE OTHER OVERCLOCKING AT YOUR OWN RISK. Windows 10 Pro 64bit is actually your best option now, After much time, I decided to make programs to help people tweak, more like a utility with automatizations. Application Layer Gateway Service In the Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer. Turn off Other Tracking , Data-mining, increase Privacy & Performance. Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service Nvidia Geforce Drivers | geforce.co.uk/drivers Focus assist We just gives information and making our share to the World Wide Web. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *3DBuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage” No? Regedit System tweaks Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Enable Congestion Control Provider(CTCP) on Windows 8.1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi\{eb004a03-9b1a-1 Make priority of gaming responsiveness. But all gains seem to be pretty negligible when it comes to what size, this is likely to be more noticeable from a stability POV or if you have a small amount of Ram sub 12GB. Recently Microsoft Rolled out Windows 10 October 2020 update with a number of Features, Security improvements, and Bug fixes. A Complete Guide to Various Kinds of Company Banners to Consider, 6 Most Important Features in Fitness Club Management Software. If you have loads of Ram some people recommend having no pagefile, though some applications require a page file to operate optimally. Hyper-V Data Exchange Service powershell “Get-AppxPackage *XboxApp* | Remove-AppxPackage” And that’s how you can get a better boot time. Here is an extended list of Services that I have disabled as I pretty much just play Star Citizen, I am definitely in favor of that second goal and will base this guide around streamlining Windows to work as efficiently as possible. Some of them might even be malware. Standard warning : if you are not confident changing or adding registry settings then do not do this. Disable Hibernate I recommend Pro but if you need to save a couple of bucks or pounds or Euros then you can grab Windows 10 Home. If you have issues saving then, Save as a .file then delete the extension and place in the folder. Hyper-V VM Session Service Animations in Windows are delayed intentionally to give a more realistic effect but if you computer is an old machine then these animations can also become quite heavy for the system to process at once. BranchCache Just open it with Editor and see if you find any lines containing “skype”, “hotmail” or “messenger.live”. Fixing game lag. In this mode you can see what the computer is actually doing, what all files and software are being loaded up, drivers acting, and a lot of other things that are going on during the startup. hey guys, i tried the update app change one but it isnt working,it says it may be open or i dont have the preveledges for it . Here you need to rename the Dword key to StartupDelayInMSec. It's simply a setting which I like to use and which in my opinion make the system less obtrusive. Under Settings > Gaming, you can activate Game bar, which is designed to take audio and video recordings of your games. General Gaming Tweaks powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsCamera* | Remove-AppxPackage” So, the sixth Windows 10 performance tweaks tip to make Windows 10 faster is to turn off the search indexing. Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service (EXPERIMENTAL) Programs & Settings. As Windows 10 gains a bigger market share over the next few years, you can be sure there are going to be a lot of ways to customize or tweak the registry! I always recommend this, especially for the low-end gaming system. Process Lasso – http://bitsum.com Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service These tweaks will let you get the best out of gaming with Windows 10. Under Display, click Adjust desktop size and position. Hyper-V Heartbeat Service After you find it, right click on it and then select New and then select Dword value. Some people say if you have 16GB+ ram you should entirely disable pagefiles. Have you ever heard of registry files in Windows? With this in mind, let’s start. If you are using your PC mostly for gaming, or experiencing issues with lag in games, then you may want to see if turning off those features improves gaming latency on your end. If you donât use OneDrive then disable it, it eats up your bandwidth. Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer. On the Scaling tab, turn off Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. You can try disabling some of the Visual effects in Windows, it makes Windows faster and a bit more responsive and gives a bit more performance, itâs also in: HDD, SSD & Service Optimizations But Some of the users report windows 10 running slow after Update, or Windows 10 slow startup and shutdown. As I have already mentioned before, these registry files are the way developers and designers on the manufacturer’s end design the look and other features of the system. As mentioned before, do exercise precaution before changing any code.I hope this article has really helped you out. The Search is a user-friendly feature of Windows 10 but it can temporarily eat up a lot of resources, which will affect the Windows 10 performance. Tips ; A huge collection of windows 10 registry tweaks. Windows Insiders will start seeing some of the visual elements for Game Mode this week, with the feature being fully operational in builds shortly thereafter. I leave, Under Windows Update, open Advanced Options, Click Choose How Updates are Installed, select Choose how updates are delivered, Disable the toggle under Updated from More than One Place. The program is paid and lifetime for 17$. Replace those addresses with the DNS addresses: Untick Enhance Pointer Precision (this is mouse acceleration), Also try adjusting the Pointer Speed slider here till you are happy, Set Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration – Single display performance modeÂ, Preferred refresh rate – Highest available, [OPTIONAL] Turn Off Shader Cache, some people experience gains with it off, some people lose performance. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *MicrosoftSolitaireCollection* | Remove-AppxPackage” powershell “Get-AppxPackage *ZuneMusic* | Remove-AppxPackage” powershell “Get-AppxPackage *BingSports* | Remove-AppxPackage” I'm religious when it comes to my PC's performance and when I read that there's something that I could do to make my PC work even better, I tend to give it a go — Google is riddled with regedit tweak suggestions, CPU core unparking, GPU priority and what not, however I wanted to know how relevant it is. Do you want to speed up Windows 10? If you are using Windows operating systems for a long time then I am pretty sure that you are aware about it. This mode is not exclusive to Windows but can also be found in Linux and even masOS as well. Graphics Card Overclocking This is much safer and easier than CPU Overclocking powershell “Get-AppxPackage *Getstarted* | Remove-AppxPackage” So how will you proceed? This might not give you an increase in FPS, but would help your CS:GO game ping. A lot of times the booting process is delayed due to allow software, apps and drivers to load up. NOTE – If you are using Skype then after you have run this If there are any other tweaks that we might have missed out that you think should be a part of this guide, comment below and let us know. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsCalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage” Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options All the products mentioned on this website are not owned by RealClobber. I am messing around with the features at the moment & it seems good but I am yet to make up my mind. Windows 10 tweaks for gaming? 1. Registry tweaks in Windows 10 holds the answer to that as well. Microsoft engineers have programmed a small delay in Startup apps at launch. Youâll need to unblock some hosts can find your hosts-file here: Open the Registry Editor by the above mentioned method. Windows 10 System Gaming Responsiveness Tweak? Press Windows key +I; Press performance; Select Adjust the appearance and performance Windows ; Click Adjust for best performance; Apply Changes; Press OK; In simple … So these were some tweaks for Windows 10 performance improvement that helps you be at the top of your gaming experience. NOTE – If you are using Skype then after you have run this Want to make your system lighter? The Most obvious and necessary make sure you have the latest drivers installed for you system & devices especially your graphics card update your Windows 10 via the Update & Security Tab. Grab The Latest Graphics Card Drivers Search for âControlâ then Click on it. A new window will appear and that will be it. On your keyboard press Windows key + R to open the run command dialog box. I recommend having a Page File on a separate drive or secondary drive. Pro Gives you a few advantages but not really any performance gains over Home. NPS on August 26, 2015 at 8:03 pm . powershell “Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage” Also you can to save some more space by removing the pre-installed apps that came with Windows 10 if you arenât going to use those apps at all. This can get really frustrating and annoying when one is already late in doing some work. dmwappushsvc This website uses âcookiesâ, using this website means you're OK with this | You can Contact us via email contact@boredgamer.co.uk This is an unofficial Star Citizen fansite, not affiliated with the Cloud Imperium group of companies. It has better boot times than 7 & 8.1 Downloaded Maps Manager Health Key and Certificate Management You may or may not know, but Windows 10 uses your computer and your network bandwidth to transfer updates and other things to other users through P2P. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *ZuneVideo* | Remove-AppxPackage” All Xbox Services* You do need these for any Xbox Service games like Sea of Thieves. Get the most out of your Windows 10 network and game performance. Windows 10 Pro Pro Gives you a few advantages but not really any performance gains over Home. And make sure you always Test your Overclocks And better Gaming performance, though some of it is fractional In this article, I’ll show you 10 cool registry hacks you can use to customize your Windows 10 install. Usually, these applications present nothing but a gimmicky interface while sucking money out of your wallet for no realistic benefit. As with CPUs itâs still worth googling your card and the word overclock to see what settings are recommended and achievable. It will also prompt and cajole and such, … Go Thru EVERY tab and turn the sliders off unless you have a reason to have them on. System Tweaks And if you are unsure about a setting, quickly google it to make sure you aren’t wrecking your OS, I take Zero responsibility for anything going wrong, all I have done here is compiled and tested the Tweaks and for ME they work and are Safe. Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service This program turns off and stops a load of data mining and Microsoft / Other Services itâs basically designed to block and stop the various tracking (telemetry) issues present in Windows 10. I use an SSHD that I also use for storage. Moreover, as long as you have taken a backup of your registry keys, don’t shy away to tweak and make changes to get a better Windows 10 experience. Will Flutter bring Evolution in App development? Windows MultiPoint Server Host Service The "Multimedia Class Scheduler" service (MMCSS) ensures prioritized access to CPU resources, without denying CPU resources to lower-priority background applications. Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor https://www.safer-networking.org/spybot-anti-beacon/, Right click on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to, then clickÂ. There can be ‘n’ number of reasons for the slow performance and lag in speed. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Spybot Anti-Beacon – If using Shadow IGNORE this step. Youâll need to unblock some hosts can find your hosts-file here: You can turn off The Services Listed Below (if you know you don’t use them), they are a mixture of useless & optimization settings: If you have problems running a service then you can reactivate it. The main activity is in the windows_10 folder. So if you have no prior experience of programming then I would ask you to be a bit more cautious while changing the code. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) In the Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer. I have disabled all of these on my Windows 10 Pro but it’s at your own risk: AllJoyn Router Service This is a registry fix that removes anything that sounds like it might be acceleration related in regards. This is by no means any complete set of all existing Windows tweaks and neither is it another "antispying" type of script. So, these are changes that can be made to access some Windows 10 features. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsSoundRecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage” Turn it to Alarms only Click System To disable OneDrive: Sensor Monitoring Service The focus is naturally on Xbox. Update Your Drivers! These tweaks will help you do just that. So these were some of the simple tweaks in Windows 10 registry files to improve performance that I wanted to share with you. From there, create a new DWORD and name it to “SystemResponsiveness” set its hexadecimal value to 00000000 for pure gaming/streaming. We assure you it'll not harm your system in any way and its completely safe to apply. So these are programs, tweaks and tools that I am trying out and may be AMAZING, Useless OR Damaging, I don’t know I don’t know enough about them. Yes? Visual Effects and Performance Now you don’t need any special software to get this data, Windows has been designed to generate it on its own and I think that’s a great thing. Type in regedit here and tap on the enter key THIS GUIDE WAS UPDATED 5th April 2019 Later tweaks will not work. Just like Windows update, Steam updates can be annoying and can mess your … Distributed Link Tracking Client It will damage them if you force defrag them, instead you want to TRIM them. If you have the option under Send your device data to Microsoft Select Never OR Basic, I Turn off Everything in Windows Defender, But you may need some form of Virus and Online protection, Uninstall anything that you know you donât need, Run the EXE in it’s own folder by right clicking and “Run as Admin”, Then Press Set Changed Settings, wait then restart, Just have a quick read of the tooltip of each setting before you tick it. Have a look: So before you are able to make any changes in the existing registry files you will have to open the registry editor application that is already present in the operating system. Disabling them can make space on your screen and can also improve your overall workflow.  powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsPhone* | Remove-AppxPackage” Keep your registry editor open, we are going to do some good tweaks here and there. Windows 10 comes with pre-installed apps or âbloatwareâ and basically if you donât use them DELETE / Remove them. Mouse acceleration needs to be turned off for gaming otherwise you are aiming. Just open it with Editor and see if you find any lines containing “skype”, “hotmail” or “messenger.live”.  The idea behind such throttling is that processing of network packets can … This is a PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. In this article we show several registry settings that you may want to change for Windows, we have a comment to explain what the registry setting does. Do you want to improve performance on your PC? powershell “Get-AppxPackage *Windows.Photos* | Remove-AppxPackage” The More Automated Way is using W10Privacy powershell “Get-AppxPackage *BingNews* | Remove-AppxPackage” powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsAlarms* | Remove-AppxPackage” After you have done that you can simply open any folder and look for the icon, it should have disappeared. PLEASE NOTE THAT I RECOMMEND SETTING THIS TO AN SSD DRIVE, however this may shorten the lifespan of the Drive, All other Drives should be set to None (unless if the pagefile you set wasn’t on your OS drive & you want to leave 300mb on your main boot drive for âcrash info & recoveryâ), Click properties then uncheck âAllow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file propertiesâ, Look for the Service you want to disable and right click on it, Windows Search (This will disable Windows Search TOO, keep it if you use it). I can recommend HWMonitor for pretty much everything, again the Freeware version is great. Windows registry files are the base files which are written in code by the programmers at the manufacturers end. Manage Steam automatic updates. After much testing I found that I get FRACTIONAL improvements consistently with a 4GB Pagefile on a 2nd drive & NO page file on my main or gaming drives. And DX12 is supported thru it – which we will start seeing more and more games using. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *WindowsMaps* | Remove-AppxPackage” Sensor Data Service The OneDrive app of Windows 10 uploads your new files to the cloud internet server so you can access them anywhere. In Control Panel/Settings Here is how you can change that. The Basic Version is FREE too! “With the Creators Update, we’re introducing a new feature called Game Mode. This tweak can also boost your Windows 10 gaming performance. There are tons of applications that promise you higher network functionality and extreme Internet speeds. And let the system workout how much it needs. Registry tweaks in Windows 10 holds the answer to that as well. Hibernate mode is set up by default to allow the hard drive disk to load the programs faster instead of booting the system, but it is unnecessary for an SSD system drives. A small window will open, here put the value name as “. (I keep calculator BUT get rid of everything else) I recommend you try all of them or, at the very least, some of them to improve your overall gaming performance. This Registry script can be used in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and later OS without any problem. Xbox Live Game Save I am sure that there are a lot of things that you don’t really use in the Windows OS. Prio Process Priority Saver – http://www.prnwatch.com/prio/ All content on this site not authored by its host or users are property of their respective owners. From there, create a new DWORD and name it to “SystemResponsiveness” set its hexadecimal value to 00000000 for pure gaming/streaming. I have my AOC 144hz Monitor @ 171hz without any issues. Almost all tweaks are in Powershell Windows_10. Windows implements a network throttling mechanism to restrict the processing of non-multimedia network traffic to 10 packets per millisecond (a bit over 100 Mbits/second). I Honestly Canât believe the amount of people that still have this on. Do remember the order. Online Gaming Tweaks Windows Biometric Service Then after the Window has been opened, in the left panel, double click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE option to expand the list of options hidden beneath it. The Latest GTX 1060, 1070 & 1080 Cards | Precision XOC This is a Program that you can use to set process and system priorities to tasks & processes as well as a whole world of other features. You can also just Set a Custom Resolution now in the latest Nvidia Drivers. Also I recommend Turning off Indexing on SSDs. Some Windows 10 performance tweaks are designed to work on older systems such as lower transparency and desktop effects while others streamline Windows to work more efficiently. 8 Do’s and Don’ts for Shopify E-commerce Success, Improving Website Homepage Elements and Navigation using ARIA, 5 Important Reasons to Have a Locksmith Rekey Your Home, 7 Body and Skin Care Tips for the Busy Girls. Enter the following commands to remove one or more apps of your choice: 6. Windows. The Windows 10 April 2018 Update broke & caused a lot of issues for users, here is links to an additional guide if you are suffering more issues after the update. There are 2 different ways I recommend to do this, but using the More Automated Newer way is probably better, I’ll leave the Manual way here too. In this guide, we’ve placed some useful registry tweaks or call them “hacks” just to make it sound better. To implement this tweak, run regedit and modify the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile. Bluetooth Support Service Moreover, the two-brained paradox of new Settings and old Control Panel options remains. I haven’t seen any real change (after disabling Mouse Acceleration) It might be magic thinking but every frame is a gain… that doesn’t work when talking about mice does it? Power Options Some people will set their DPI far too high, you want to adjust the sensitivity via the mouse options and in game, NVIDIA Graphics Settings, if you have an NVIDIA Card. Before we begin focusing Windows 10 … I recommend Pro but if you need to save a couple of bucks or pounds or Euros then you can grab Windows 10 Home. Write down any existing DNS server entries for future reference. Changing the code can change a lot of things. Press Windows key and R key together to open Run dialog. This Guide is in the process of being fleshed out, when it’s done it will be an article & video, each of the sections will have a skip timecode or bookmark too. We love PC gaming here at LaptopNinja, and we want your Windows 10 gaming experience to be the very best it can be. Sensor Service Stop Windows 10 from using your network bandwidth unsuspectingly. Here in the right panel of the window you will have to double click on. You will need access to the administrator account or administrative privileges. Now there are some things that you need to remember before you proceed. More hardware is supported in general Right click on the OneDrive app which is located on your taskbar and click exit. In the registry editor, go to: Here, in this directory, you will find the option of MenuShowDelay, double click on it and here you will need to decrease the value in order to decrease the delay and done. To help you improve your Windows 10 experience, here are a bunch of Windows 10 registry hacks worth trying. Data Mining & Bloatware Removal ^^ Tweaks 1-8 work in Windows 10 RTM. 2. We suggest you try them to improve your overall gaming performance. Now, here is the tutorial. SNMP Trap Other Programs & Settings (EXPERIMENTAL) – If using Shadow IGNORE this step. After you have reached the above mentioned directory, right click in the white empty space that has nothing written on it, in the right panel. Windows 10 Development Team - “Our goal is to make Windows 10 the best Windows ever for gaming,” says Mike Ybarra on the Xbox Wire blog. Windows 10 Pro With some mice you will have software to set you dpi, System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree. Itâs worth turning this off as it can affect your gameplay and also eat into any data allowance you might have. General Gaming Tweaks And that is the biggest problem, programming requires each and every comma and even a dot in the right place. Offline Files Introduction. For those of you that want a clean installation here is DDU | Display Driver Uninstalled, Turn off Focus Assist Want more speed from your Windows 10 laptop? Windows Updates has a setting where it can munch your bandwidth by sending Windows updates to other PCs on the net. Windows 10 optimized features Here you should be able to find a folder by the name of “Serialize”. Still getting my head around this simple Windows 10 program, it combines loads of other Privacy Tweaks as well as loads of things to disable in Windows for a better experience.  There is also option to remove the desktop background, but I don’t recommend blacking out your desktop screen, it won’t … With these tweaks you can significantly reduce latency in multiple online games and online applications. Booting up your computer in Verbose Mode can help you to get this data. A collection of scripts for Tweaking / Fixing Windows 10. Disable Windows Update Delivery Optimization Why Windows 10 over 7 or 8.1? Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service I think you can still grab Windows 10 Pro Licences from Kinguin.net for $30-35 & as far as I am aware they are legit. By Mike Tee / Dec 19, 2020 / Windows. To activate the Verbose Mode in Windows 10: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System. so in most games I recommend 400-1600 if in doubt try 800 even if your mouse have 20 billion DPI. Save as a .file then delete the extension and place in the folder. Disable Mouse Acceleration XboxNetApiSvc. For AMD & ATI Cards Use | AMDTrixx, Overclock your Monitor too you can use those tools to up your pixel clock or hz rate on your monitor, again itâs worth googling your monitor and seeing what others have achieved. Windows 10 Performance Tweaks reducing visual effects [2] Another way to reduce system level animation: Head to Settings > Ease of Access > and turning off the following. Basic Overclocking Question. It’s like giving you a lot of insights so that you can get a clear picture on what is going on. You can disable this startup delay of the Startup apps and get faster access to them. From changing the Windows design to unlocking hidden features, there are tweaks for everything. Among them, tweaking registry is also a notable method, which can improve gaming performance to some extends. Quote: Multimedia streaming and some games that uses "Multimedia Class Scheduler" service (MMCSS) can only utilize up to 80% of the CPU. Test your overclocks to make sure your system is stable I run a series of 3d Mark Tests C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts A lot of visual and under-the-hood changes can only be done via the registry. Hyper-V Guest Service Interface Geolocation Service The CMark Win 10 “Fix” – donewmouseaccel.blogspot.co.uk So much that you won’t ignore the changes you can make once you get to know more about them. Storage Service Right Click the Notification Box in the Bottom Right, In Notifications & Actions I turn all the sliders off, Apps & Features – There is loads of bloatware. For a high-end gaming systems, the step may not impact a lot, I check this regardless. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Speed up the Startup apps during launch. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *Office.OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage” I delete everything that I am obviously not going to use. Xbox Live Auth Manager powershell “Get-AppxPackage *People* | Remove-AppxPackage” To turn this feature OFF, follow these given steps: Disable OneDrive Increase the hosting buffer size. Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service This will temporarily stop Windows from downloading and installing updates automatically and will tweak Windows 10 for gaming and productivity. Some programs & games however are designed to operate with a Pagefile & for me it is literally faster to have one. You can Support These Guides with the Links Below: Home Tips A huge collection of windows 10 registry tweaks. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *SkypeApp* | Remove-AppxPackage” STEP 1: Copy following code and paste in Notepad. Windows 10 pre October 2016 was actually great for input lag and gaming, kinda like 7 and 8.1. Do you use One Drive, the cloud storage by Microsoft? Show animations in Windows Show transparency in Windows Automatically hide scrollbar in Windows. powershell “Get-AppxPackage *BingWeather* | Remove-AppxPackage” So how can you change that and make the booting process faster. Let us start with the basics. 8 Ways to Increase Network Speed via Regedit in Windows 10. Client for NFS Does a similar more slimline job that Lasso does, saving the Process Priorities so you don’t have to keep setting them. While many gamers have worked so hard to avoid Microsoft’s aggressive marketing tactics , a growing number of users have settled into the newest Windows installment. I think you can still grab Windows 10 Pro Licences from Kinguin.net for $30-35 & as far as I am aware they are legit.